Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I went, I saw, I bought and I conquered - or something like that.

It was about 9:30am that I caught the bus to Cartago. 
I started seeing yellow butterflies while I was waiting for the bus. I saw a bunch along the way - well, maybe 20. 
I got one of the last seats towards the back and by the time we left Orosi it was jam packed with people filling the aisle. It's Spring Break remember. There were some interesting people on the bus. One man, all in white, with white hair, white beard and white shirt was having quite a time. It was quite warm today and either he was hot or claustrophobic with all the people. He kept standing up at his seat and sticking his head out the window. He opened all the windows around him and the woman in the seat ahead of him was very upset because it was blowing her hair around. He got off in Paraiso so things settled down. The young lady sitting next to me had started putting on her makeup well before Orosi and it took her all the way to Paraiso. I had no idea there were so many things you could do and so many different pieces of equipment you could use.
I am really getting pretty good at finding things in my little area of Cartago. I get off the bus, turn right and go to the corner. Now I turn left. I go one block and look right and there is the fabric shop. I walk along the ruins. The square was very busy with music and games and lots of people. I go to the corner, cross the street and go a half block and there is the mall with the yarn shop. Ziomaro is working and we talk for quite a while about her business and the changes they are making to give them more room for classes and more display area. They are the only shop in Cartago with craft books. I talked to her about the idea of doing a class, or series of classes here and she was very interested. I picked up more supplies and headed for the fabric shop. Turn right out of the mall. Go along the ruins to the end. Turn left and a half block to the fabric shop. I love that they are close together. I got lots of goodies including - wait for it - plumas! They are all died colors so I still need natural ones, but it is a start. 
Ok, now I have to find the Basilica. Remember, I can't see it until I am practically on top of it. Adrianna and I stayed in the B & B over the restaurant right across the street. It is lunch time, my leg is wearing out so that is where I head. And without one wrong turn I end up just where I want to be. A Fish Casado and iced tea with lemon and I am a happy girl. And I have wifi. And I have 2 iced teas. Off to the Basilica. It is very busy with lots of kids also and lots of people going on their knees up the center aisle. The kids don't make it all the way and Grandmas are teaching them and telling them the story. You can tell that some people are using all their energy to do this. Holding on to the pews to be able to move along. It was continuous the whole time I was there.
Off to the bus. Not even half full and no butterflies on the trip home. The afternoon rain hasn't started so I was lucky. Got back about 3:30 pm.
I paid attention on the way back and guess what is next door to the Paraiso Plaza that I want to go to? A nursery! So if I can't ever find the one here I can go there. I may anyway because it seemed to have lots of things. I suppose Ziomaro wasn't sure I was coming so now we agreed I would come back next Tuesday and pick up the Rosemary and Mint.
All in all a good day. I may just go get a pizza for dinner if the rain holds off.
People on their knees. I made a video and I will see if I can post it here.
My stash from today. I have been really surprised at how reasonable craft things have been.


Anonymous said...

I'll trade you some raspberries for a Casado!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a much more interesting day than mine. 😀 love the pics. -Kent