Monday, July 20, 2015

Even in Paridise you have to defrost the refrigerator.

My day included baking two pans of chocolate chip cookies, defrosting the refrigerator and finishing 3 of the dream catchers. The doors on the refrigerator and the freezer have to be pushed shut. That didn't happen at the start so I had lots of buildup in the freezer so I decided to take care of that today. I also had the balls of dough for cookies so I figured I would get them baked. I had to make a run to the super mercado for sweetened condensed milk so I could make another batch of Mounds Bars so I delivered warm cookies. I will make the Mounds Bars as soon as I post this as I needed to be able to freeze them before I dip them in chocolate. I think I will try balls this time instead of logs.
It hasn't rained all day and I am hoping for two in a row as tomorrow it is off to Cartago for the mint and rosemary and to see if I can find the cooking school for the chocolate. Hopefully I have better luck than finding the nursery and bridge here in Orosi. If my back and leg hold out I really want to stop in Paraiso at the Plaza and the nursery there. If not, another day.
I finished the ribbon and feathers on three of the bamboo dream catchers. Pictures below.
Today is the first day my leg has felt much better. All of my problem is in my lower back so hopefully Otto will take care of that on Thursday. 

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