Sunday, July 26, 2015

I love going to church - I think I have said that before.

I left mi casa at 9:30am to walk carefully to church with the hopes of being in the section closer to the altar. Last Sunday I was farther back. Well, little did I know I would be even farther back and I would be there most of the morning.
The whole first half of the church was taped off and as I looked around I saw that each row in that section had a baby under one all in white. Mostly boys in little white pants, shirts and cap. Some did have shorts instead of pants. I figured it was the parents and Godparents and baby. All the rest of the family was sitting nearby and the church ended up being full with people standing all over. There must have been 16-20 babies. I knew this was going to take a while. All of the babies were being baptized.
The music was great again. Very lively with some clapping songs. The priest was not the usual one. A younger man, and much calmer during the homily.
It was 11:30 when I left - yes I waited till it was over. Even got a few pictures for you to see.
There was a soccer game going on and a biking group parked by the store.

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