Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I am making progress

The big planters are planted. Now I have to see if anything lives since some of it is just sticks with no roots. I want to get something like asparagus fern to add to the planters.
Also, there is a person working at trimming all the growth on the upstairs level. I gave him a cholocate treat and showed him I keep bumping into the branches on the way to the laundry. It is now all trimmed so I can walk without bending over or getting my hair all wet. I love it. I will have to write a story on what I got in exchange for chocolate in Costa Rica.
The people here are so nice that I am sure I would have gotten it all without the chocolate but it is more fun thinking it is the chocolate.
Now I need to clean up the area.
The tree on the end was my problem.

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