Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I have a new friend and a better deal

I decided I needed a pizza tonight so I packaged up 4 of my Mounds Balls and walked over to the pizza shop. Emelio was working and I gave him the treats. He did share with his father who was making the pizza. Emelio is a kick. He speaks pretty good English and tells me the Spanish word for things. He loves to cook so we talk food and I told him all about what I bought today as far as flowers. I would give him the English name and he would Google it and see what it is, for instance Johnny Jump Up. 
He drew me a map to the cooking school and I know just where it is. I remember going by it today. He also offered to meet me in Paraiso on a Saturday morning and take me to the farmers market - but not at 5:00am, more like 9:00am. He admits it is best at 5:00am but like me he isn't interested in that early.   He will also take me around Cartago when I want to go. Soon as my leg and back are working I am going to take him up on his offer. Should be fun.
My treats paid off. I got a discount on my pizza and I am sure it is bigger than the other ones I got.

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