Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I have hanging baskets!

Gerardo brought a couple hooks over and my baskets are hung. Now I need more for the tree and I have a couple empty concrete blocks. And, I am sure if I come home with more, he will find me containers and dirt. 
To prove my back and leg are better, I just swept and scrubbed with disinfectant with insect repellent and some pine sol the entire casa. Right now it feels like it is 4000 square feet but we know it isn't. I am sure the repellent works for all creatures including soggy dogs. If something does get in, it will have to survive on the one square inch I may have missed until it starves to death. And, I took the garbage out to the sink area behind the casa so I am in good shape. I am having serious thoughts of walking to the orchid nursery. I wonder if I would have any luck growing them? I pretty much like things that grow themselves. Maybe I should buy some cactus. As humid as it is, I probably wouldn't even need to water them. It amazes me - cactus and roses growing together here.

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