Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The laundry is done - Costa Rican style.

I did three loads of clothes. First I put the clothes in the washer part, sprinkle a little detergent, turn the control to wash and add water with a hose from the sink nearby. Then I set the control for the length of time I want it to agitate. Next I change the control to empty and then turn it back and add more water for a rinse cycle and drain again. Then you move the clothes to the spinner basket, close the lid and set it for the length of time you want it to spin. You take the clothes out - they are really quite dry and hang them up. I am sure I flunked the hang up lesson I got in Atenas but I only needed room for my stuff and it is covered and protected so I didn't have to worry about the sun fading them.
My oven lighter has been delivered so now I just have to figure out a way to check the temp. in the oven. I think I will try cookies before I try bread. I'll keep you posted.

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