Thursday, June 18, 2015

Costa Rican Birthday Party

I was invited to a birthday party tonight for Cynthia's son. He turned 10. I went thru the house and checked to see what I could give as a gift. I narrowed it down to Minnesota Wild Rice or hand lotion. So instead I took pictures of everyone all evening long. It was really fun and everyone enjoys how they look on the iPad.
There was food and drink and cake and ice cream. And a piñata. I have seen it done before where the person was blindfolded. That didn't happen. The kid had a stick and 3 tries and it was moved around and raised and lowered. Once it was cracked open Gerardo got on a chair and shook out all the contents. Everyone had a sack and shared in the goodies. Here are pictures of the birthday boy and his mother and sharing the piñata.

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