Monday, October 19, 2015

It was quite an afternoon

People were coming at 2:00pm. I didn't know how many so I spent the morning getting ready which included a trip to the Super Mercado for beverages, and some ingredients for the guacamole. I decided to serve chips and guacamole, Mango Raisin Bread with the guayaba jelly and Fruit Marmalade, papaya and Mounds Balls. I had 4 beverages. Hazelnut coffee, Pepsi, flavored iced tea and Orange punch. The most popular was the iced tea. 7 people came and we worked for an hour. They made some really neat dream catchers.
We took a break a little after 3:00 and Gerardo and Ana and Tia joined us. My living room was full. I have entertained! About 3:45 Emelio showed up. He had missed his English lesson and couldn't make it any earlier because there had been an accident between a bus and a car and then his bus broke down so he had to walk part of the way. He fit right in and chatted with everyone. He is looking forward to Friday and is interested in helping more often. One of the ladies invited us to her home in Paloma. She used to be a cook and said she would make us something wonderful. 
After snack they went back to finish their dream catchers and each took some of the guayaba Ana had picked for them. Emelio and I sat and talked until he had to go to the pizza shop. I have cleaned up but I will have to organize my dream catcher things to take with me tomorrow to the mountain for the lesson there.
One of the ladies, Janet, has a daughter who lives across the street. When she went out and showed off her dream catcher, all the neighbors asked if I would teach them how to make them. I have a class scheduled next Wednesday at 2:00pm. I was also asked today if I would be willing to help with English classes and I said yes. It turns out Emelio is interested in helping also. His English is very good and he loves practicing English. He said the nicest thing today. He said that he gets energy from me and it makes him want to help more and share more. It felt good.
Apparently we have to walk the last ten minutes tomorrow. I just hope my legs don't give me too much trouble climbing the mountain.

The blooms. It must really like that pot.

The guayaba Ana picked.

Next the ribbons and the feathers. It was supposed to be 5 beads per person but this group was special.

This lady is the one who invited us to her home. She is very artistic and came up with some interesting creations. The finished products were really neat. I can't wait for Heather to bring my beads as what I have are getting pretty picked over.

We moved inside for snack.

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