Sunday, October 18, 2015

I am going to the mountains.

Here is my Sunday evening report. It has been a full, busy day. I made 4 dream catcher frames before heading to church. Upstairs Ana stopped in to thank me for the plate of goodies and to say it was her dinner and breakfast. She said she had already eaten half of the mug of guayaba jelly.
It was about 9:45 when I arrived and church was empty. People were heading to the building just past the museum. Apparently that is the new church and it is being finished little by little as they collect the funds. They do not receive any outside funding. Anyway, today seemed to be an even bigger deal than last Sunday with tons and tons of people and teenage girls in long white dresses. The place was really decorated with tons of flowers and not near enough seats. You got it, I didn't stay. I went back over to the empty church and spent an hour having a talk with God. I love it when he talks back. 
On the way home I stopped in a fruit store and got a papaya, a mango and 3 mamones. I had not tried them yet so when I got home I asked Gerardo how you eat them. He showed me and I decided to try with lunch.
Soon as I got home I got my crock pot meal going, made some lunch and put my raisins in rum to soak and made 6 more frames. I decided to do mango in the bread instead of papaya. I haven't tried it but I gave a slice to Gerardo and he says it is really good. He was around a lot today because there was a party this afternoon. This must be a big time for first communion because this is the third party in a row. I will serve the bread tomorrow to whoever comes for the follow up lesson.
Now about the mountain. I took the chocolates to Emelio and his mother was there also and we talked about their dream catcher lesson. Tuesday morning they will pick me up at 9:00am and we are going to their place in the mountains above Orosi. I know Emelio loves the place from the way he talks about it. Apparently you can go by car most of the way and then it is a 10 minute walk.  Doesn't give me a lot of time to make goodies with the people coming tomorrow but I will figure something out.
That's it, that was my day. Dinner was good with a little sour cream on the potatoes and a little guayaba jelly on the chicken. I had cookies from Emelio for dessert while I listened to the great music from the party.
At the end of the party there were two teenage girls sitting by the glider. I was on the porch, right nearby. One of the girls was just sobbing and the other one was consoling her. I watched a little while and then I came inside and got my chocolate container from the freezer. I went over and sat next to them and said "would you like some chocolate. It makes everything better." They laughed and each took one and thanked me in English. They didn't seem to be quite so sad after that.

These are the mamones.

What you eat is the white part.

I had trouble with the outside of the pit sticking to the fruit. The fruit is good and sweet but the skin of the pit is a pain.

I was also delivered a mandarin orange from the yard. It was very good.

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