Sunday, October 4, 2015

Harvest at La Quinta.

They may all look the same, but not quite. The one at the top of the bowl is Limon Dulce and the rest are oranges - naranja. The bag full if guayaba and the long, funny looking thing is guaba. The white fuzzy things are what you eat once you get rid of the big seed inside. It is sweet and quite good. Gerardo told me this morning that he has grapefruit at one of his houses. He is going to bring me some and I will see what kind of jelly I can make from that. I have enough oranges for another batch and enough guayaba for at least one batch. I better get more sugar and find some containers!
Music this morning was 3 women and a man and it was definitely clapping music! The lady sitting with me was at the senior center and I got two kisses on the check - one at the beginning and one at the sign of peace.
I recognized enough words during the homily to get the gist. It was about what makes up a family. When the kissey noises started I guessed that was the talk about premarital sex. I will leave it all at that.
Since the party room is all decorated I assume there is something going on this afternoon or tonight. It is all done in white so I am assuming wedding reception or anniversary.

I wanted to show you my pretty flower on my cactus. Must mean it is doing OK.

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