Otto came this morning for my massage and left with guayaba jelly and an avocado and a couple guayaba. I started the orange marmalade yesterday and the second step was today. It needed to cook on low for two hours and then on medium for a half hour or to 220 degrees. Since I don't have my thermometer here, I decided to use the step Martha showed me for the guayaba jelly - when it sticks to a metal spoon it is ready. It called for putting it in hot glass jars and since I was short on those I used one and let it cool some and put it in my plastic containers. I would like to say it is perfect but I will say it thickened like it should. Next time I need to cut the peel smaller and try to get it even thinner - using the mandoline. The peel is bitter. I'm not sure if it is the lemon or orange or both. I will also do more research and see what I can find. I'm sure there is a solution. At least I have plenty of fruit to try again.
Tomorrow morning I am meeting with the ladies from the senior craft group. I hope to have the banana bread made for the meeting.
Did I tell you I found a Spanish/English missallette? There is a company, Oregon Catholic Press, who used to meet at the Conference Center at the Grotto when I worked there. I decided to contact them and they are setting up a subscription for about $14.00 a year. They send one 3 times a year and they will send it to Heather. She should have one to bring with her in October and again the end of January. The next one won't be until May so we have plenty of time to figure that out.
A good week continues.
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