Saturday, October 3, 2015

2 animals and 27 dream catchers later

This morning, after I finished laundry, Gerardo called for me to come out. There, in a big catch and release wire trap was a zorro - and a half eaten avocado. They look like a rodent but really big. They are nocturnal and have been raiding the avocado trees and then running across the roofs which really bothers Tia. After taking a couple pictures I asked what happens to it now. He said it was a very bad animal and motioned slitting its throat. No more zorro.
This afternoon Gerardo called me again and this time it was an ardilla - squirrel. The underneath is red. I motioned slitting it's throat but he said no, it would be released someplace else.  When he came back he showed me the empty cage. I am surprised with all the trees that a squirrel doesn't belong.
Gerardo brought me a bunch of bamboo and I got started. It was flexible enough that I didn't need to soak it in water. I got 27 put together and now I need 23 more and I will be all ready for the 2 classes. I do want to go to Cartago early next week to get more string for the webs as it is taking up pretty much all of what I have. I have been able to find some waxed thread which works best because it sticks to itself.
Tia came to visit again and I sent her home with 3 slices of the Nutella Banana bread. She was grinning from ear to ear. 
I have seen hummingbirds at a distance but today it came up to the fuchsia hanging on the porch. I have also seen more butterflies lately. Maybe my flowers are doing their job.
No clocks to turn back here. Less than a month now till Heather and Courtney get here. I think I will let them write the blog while they are here. You will get a different slant!

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