Friday, October 23, 2015

Another fun time at the SeniorCenter.

Emelio was here promptly at 9:30am. He took my purple bag and I took my red one and away we went. I had picked lemons from the tree near my porch and I had him check to make sure they were ok to bring. He said yes, as they were soft and turning to orange on the outside. When we arrived Mass was still going on so I went to the back to say hello to Janet. She was home sick so we sat outside and waited for Mass to end. The center seemed really full. We also spent some time looking over the raised beds they have behind the building. Lettuce and radishes and cilantro and a couple other things I am not sure of.
We went inside as they were passing out fruit and I noticed it was watermelon and papaya and pineapple and apple. Emelio asked for me about the strawberries. Apparently there weren't any so the shop sent two flats of eggs instead. There was lots of fruit so they have some left for next week. Lunch would be a bean soup with a hard boiled egg, salad and rice. We had a glass of the lemon drink and it was wonderful. I don't know if it was my lemons or not but it was great.
When it came time for us to start I told Emelio I was going to start with something that might embarrass him a little. I greeted everyone - Buenas Dias seniors, senoras and senoritas. Today I brought a good looking man to help me. I looked at him to translate it and all the ladies laughed and said there were lots of senoritas. Again, half of the group went outside and the others got started working. I wandered around helping a couple tables and Emelio sat at one table helping some ladies who were having lots of trouble. 
Everyone seemed to have a really good time and created some interesting dream catchers. I had enough of the bamboo ones that I made for everyone.
One of the ladies, Dona Alicia, has invited us to her home when my girls are here for a cooking lesson. We have a choice of Costa Rican pancakes, tortillas or empanadas. She used to be a cook but has torn tendons in one of her shoulders so she had to stop.
We decided to have lunch at a restaurant and went to the one across from the gas station that I had been told was very good. It was just a short walk away and the food was wonderful. For 2500 colones I had chicken, beans, chayote and salad. Emelio had the same thing plus rice and his was a pork chop. Lots of food and very good.
It was almost 3:00 by the time I got home. I can now concentrate on getting ready for the girls. My next event is the class on Wednesday at 2:00pm. I want to make a trip to the Mercado in Cartago for a hammock and pick up some soy or almond milk for Courtney and a few other things.

One of the workers at the Center makes items from bamboo and she gave me the picture frame. There is so much work and detail in it. She studied for a year to learn to make things. Bamboo is very difficult to work with.

This is the lady who did the picture frame.

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