Saturday, November 28, 2015

Lazy day

I did 3 loads of laundry this morning getting all my towels and rags from Thanksgiving and my massage cleaned and hanging on the line to dry. I took a glass of hydrangea to Tia and Ana was there. She told me she had taken some dessert with her and gave some to her son. He loved the pumpkin log. As he was eating he said Mama no, la Senora si. She is an excellent cook but maybe dessert isn't her thing or it was different from what they usually have. I thought it was cute. This afternoon I took the vases and a hydrangea to the pizza shop. Emilio told me he liked the chickens so much he is going to make one this week the same way. And could he please have some cranberry sauce if I had some left. I will take it over tomorrow. He had never tried it before with chicken and loved it. And, could I please give him the lemon bars recipe and how did I make the cranberry sauce. Usually you use oranges but I couldn't find the picker so I used Limon dulce which is a sweet lemon and is usually just eaten like an orange. I guess it was the right choice. I love it when people like my cooking enough to ask for recipes. I have lemon juice left and zest so I may make another pan of lemon bars for the class on Monday. I have to figure out something for snack. I think I will see if there is a recipe for artichoke dip without the spinach as I have 2 cans of artichokes.
I decided today to book a trip to Oregon in March and Heather is talking about coming back in late March or early April besides being here in January. It was a good day. 
Let's see if I can make it to church and back tomorrow without falling. I learned the other day that one of my biggest cookie fans at the Super is one of the owners. How fun! He also speaks quite a bit of English. I have been so fortunate in finding English speaking people to help me. If I didn't mention it before, Emilio did a great job of translating my grace. As a couple people at the table told me, translating is definitely not easy. Hearing one language and changing it in your head to say the other language. He had studied it in advance to make sure he had it right and I did my best not to change the wording, or at least the meaning.
Emilio's father didn't come to the dinner but we prepared a large plate of food for him. I asked Emilio if he liked it and he said oh yes, but he really loved the lemon bars. 
It was cold today, now and then. I know, how can I complain! I live in Paradise. I actually put a sweater on and I loved it. I guess this was my winter!
I had leftover salad ant green beans and some uncooked potatoes so I decided to make a hamburger pie for dinner. I had a package of spaghetti sauce so I didn't need to go buy anything. It was so good and I have enough for a couple more meals.
Now I just have to figure out where I am going to store all the glasses and tin cups and trays and bowls. The couple cupboards I have are already full. I have my priorities - chocolate and coconut you know!

My presents.

I may get grumpy more often if I get roses. Wonder how often that will work?

See, a sweater!

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