Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Mackinac Island way for a biker to get up the hill

It has been a lovely day on Mackinac Island. We started with breakfast. As you can see we are all on diets and barely ordered anything. They couldn't find any more room on the table.
It was all great. Then we went our separate ways. I went walking and checked out the area including the labyrinth and the greenhouse area. The flowers around the resort are just beautiful.
Isn't this neat!
Across the lawns.
I love all the big dahlias.
I also found a great ice cream shop and had ice cream for lunch. As I was sitting outside the shop I saw this biker hitching a ride with a carriage up the hill.
We had another wonderful dinner. Tomorrow we will be back to jeans for our trip over the lake to Rossport, Ontario.

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