Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Short hair cut even shorter

NI went to Cartago today, and I was successful and unsuccessful. I did find more places to purchase ribbons and other things for the dream catchers and all I had to do was continue around the block. As I checked out the 4th side, I realized the bank I have gone to before - but always from a different direction is right across the street. So far all the places I want to go are really close together.
On to the yarn shop for the plumas. Johana is there and is so apologetic, she forgot them at home. No problem, I will stop back next week. Her mother operates the beauty shop next door so we go over there to see when I can have something done with my hair. Sit right down she says, even though there are people all over. What color do you want as she shows me swatches. Do you want me to cut your hair also - even though there isn't much to cut. I say it would be wonderful if you could fix the problem areas. I picked a Platinum blonde as I just wanted to add a little color. Yes, I have that color. She mixes up a bowl of stuff that is white and goes on very cold. It's hard to add color and get it to take when your hair is only a half inch long and pretty much all white. It did better on top than where it is so short. She said next time we can pick a little darker color so it covers better. She trimmed up my hair, gelled and spiked it and away I went. After I gave her a bag of cookies. And one to Johana in the yarn shop. Now the fabric shop for the white plumas. Gave them their cookies and then discovered they hadn't come in. It is lucky I bought a couple packages in the new shop today. 
I'm hungry - it is 1:15pm and the papaya I had for breakfast is long gone. I see a really nice patio type place but when I ask, they don't have wifi. I continue up the street and yes, I have lunch at Burger King. I don't like the buns near as well as in the states but they have wifi so it was OK. Back to the patio place because next to it is an Italian gelato place. It was really, really good.
Back on the bus and back to Orosi. I got off at the square so I could stop at the pharmacy and then on to the Super Mercado. 3 people asked about cookies but I had to say maƱana. 
I have been so lucky the last two days. It just starts raining as I get home. Now I have groceries to put away, dinner to make, and start working on Dorita's red dream catcher. I am also going to make Grandpa one with the bird feathers he gave me.
I forgot to say, everything at the beauty shop cost me 10,000 colones, or about $20.00.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK now where is the new picture of the new you?

R & L