Friday, April 10, 2015

This has been a wild and crazy and wonderful day in Costa Rica

Jesus and Pàulina and Jilly brought me to the bus station. Jesus was along so he could do the translating. All the way Pàulina talked and Jesus translated. She explained that when I come back to San Isidro, her home is my home because I am now part of their family and that I am a very special person.   You can imagine how much I was using Muchas Gracias. I'm posting a picture of the 3 of them.
So, I go inside the station and make sure I can use my ticket to Cartago. When you aren't getting off at a regular stop your luggage goes right on the bus with you, not underneath.
There was a very negative incident on the bus as we were leaving San Isidro. Unfortunately it was caused by a fellow US citizen, not a Tico. The man sitting behind me realized he had left his phone in the men's room. He spoke no Spanish so couldn't communicate with the driver. He used pretty much every swear word I have heard. It turned out Ok as his wife used her phone, contacted a friend and discovered it had been turned into the office and would be sent with the driver on the next bus.The driver let me know when to get off - in front of a used car lot. Next door was a restaurant/bar and I asked the bartender for a taxi. He was so great and did the calling for me and even wheeled my bag out to the car.
I didn't have reservations but I had done some checking and found Georgina's House which sounded great and only a couple blocks from the Basicila. I wrote down all the information including directions in Spanish and telephone numbers. My taxi driver was a nice, fun young man who loved practicing his English. He drove around a little and finally called and pulled up to a place with a for sale sign in front. The owner, Carlos was waiting and showed me around to make sure I wanted to stay. It is an unbelievable place that he and his father have owned for 1 1/2 years. It isn't doing well as there aren't a lot of people wanting to stay in Cartago. San Jose isn't that far away. When I got set up with wifi there was a message from Adriana saying she hadn't been able to find the place so she was registered at a B & B right by the Basicila. I sent her back a message that I would meet her at the church.
And what a church! It is the Basicila of Our Lady of Los Angeles and it is absolutely gorgeous. People come here on pilgrimages and the last part is to go on their knees from the back of the church to the altar. We met a young man, William, from San Ramon who has walked here 3 times. He was kind enough to explain the story of the statue of Our Lady to Adriana and also offered any help we might need if we go to San Ramon, which by the way we are doing tomorrow.
I came out of the church and there was Adriana taking pictures. We did some touring and I brought her here to see my mansion. She thinks it belongs on the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
We went back to the restaurant where she is staying for a wonderful fish dinner, although the other patrons must have thought we were wild and crazy.
Tomorrow we are heading to San Ramon for 3 nights as long as we can find a place to stay.
By the way, my mansion is costing me $30.00.
When we finished dinner we took pictures of the Basicila all lit up. There was a prosession going on in the square. AND - I have failed to mention, it is cool. I wouldn't go so far as to say cold, but some might. 
I will post as many pictures as I can. I do like this area.

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