Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A good day

Today was so the day in San Isidro. I am having a great day. To start with, I have decided this area is just too inconvenient for visitors. So now, the responsibility falls on you to come visit as I am going to check out more convenient areas, closer to the airport. My first stop today was to the bus depot to change my ticket to San Jose to Friday the 10th instead of the 14th. I will take the 10:30 AM bus to San Jose  and then continue on to one of the towns in Heredia. I am not sure yet which one. 
After the bus station I decided to go to the bank and get more colones and pay my departure tax to save having to wait in line at the airport. It is $29.00 and will soon be included in the ticket price. I could have done it at the RIU but it was $34.00 and had to be credit card. I went to Bank 1 and they sent me to Bank 2 and they sent me to Bank 3 and they sent me to Bank 4. Maybe I should more honestly say that Bank 1 sent me to Bank 2 and since I didn't know where I was going I ended up having to go to Bank 3 and 4. The people were great and a lovely young lady took care of me, did my receipt and supplied me with colones for the rest of my trip. In the middle of this adventure I found the more local bus station and wandered through the Mercado with tons of Sodas and meat cases. I forgot to mention I bought Heather a little present.  It is the first I have seen since I got here.
Now, an FYI for my senior lady friends. The men here look at you - not rudely, just look. Young and old. Either that or I am doing something wrong and they think I am funny. I just smile and say Hola and continue on my way.
So, with all my errands done I decided I was going for a bus ride. I got out my map and Rivas wasn't very far away so I thought that would be a good spot. It is a little farther up in the mountains so I thought it would be a little cooler. Everyone just pulls the strap so the driver stops and let's them off at their house so I had to guess when I was there. It is a very small town with no Central Park in front of the church and a simple church. I have walked around and right now I am having a lovely fruit drink and salad with chicken. The bus comes thru about every half hour so when I am finished I will head back. To figure my way from the bus station to where I am staying I will just head for the church spires. I know my way from there.
Not many places in this area of the country have had wifi. I see there is an Internet cafe where you purchase it across the street from where I am now.
I wouldn't mind living here as it has several stores for emergency items and is not far from San Isidro and the bus service is really good. There are mountains all around so it is very pretty. I may just head for Dominical tomorrow. It is on the beach, less than an hour from San Isidro.  This retirement is kinda fun!
There is a bridge going into Rivas. It has high sides and just wide enough for one lane of traffic. The bus barely fits on it.
I'm home now - I was dropped off by the church so only a short walk. It is very warm and I am dripping wet so off for a shower.  When I got here I ran into several of the people and gave out my thank you gifts. They will be spread all over Costa Rica.


First stop Costa Rica said...

I am sorry if you can barely read this. I didn't have internet so while I was eating I wrote it in another program.

First stop Costa Rica said...

My technician, Heather, is working on this. At least it is easier to read most of it.

First stop Costa Rica said...

Thanks kids. Looks much better.