Monday, April 13, 2015

Part 3 the rest of the trip

We head back to the church and sure enough, it is closed for the day. It is lucky I am moving there as I still haven't been inside. We run into the couple from lunch again and tell them about our successful day. They also tell us they just got back from the river which is only a few blocks away. I guess we took the long route to a spot way out of town with Señor Juan. Off we go to catch the bus and in Paraiso all these students get on and they are standing in the aisle. Adriana and I are jabbering away - me all excited that I have a neighborhood - and I ask one of them standing by us if they are high school or university. He says university. We chat a little and I ask what he is taking and he responds English diction. We all laugh and he says we heard the two of you speaking English and really wanted to talk to you so we chatted all the way back. It was great.

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