Thursday, November 24, 2016

I have to write a note

I may have mentioned a while ago about talking with Gerardo about a bigger stove. I showed him that some of my pans didn't fit. I asked him how much it would cost me to trade my little stove for a bigger one. Nothing happened so I was all prepared to use my little oven for the Turkish even though the pan would be out to the door.
I was separating eggs and the oven was preheated when Gerardo greeted me from outside. I wiped my hands and he and one of the guys from the store were carrying a new stove. I said para me and he said yes, for the day of thanks. Now this stove is brand new with 6 burners and a big, big oven. Still only one rack, but even a broiler and a glass cover that stands up or lays on the burners. 
I turned the little stove off and took the temperature gauge out of the oven and they installed the new one. Everything is automatic. No lighter anymore. And even a light in the oven.
They left my little one because it was hot and I needed to clean. Just to make sure I said on Monday only 1 and I pointed to each stove. Gerardo let me know the new one would be staying. They got a big kick out of how excited I was.

Gerardo unhooking my old stove.

The new one being put together.

Is this gorgeous or what!

Till Monday

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