Monday, February 1, 2016

I know what it is like to spit into the wind.

You may remember the area of greenery along the soccer field that came loose and fell down. Well, Oscar has cleared that all away and there is a big patch of dirt so today I decided it would be a great spot to plant flowers. And, I have lots of packets of seeds. First I had to loosen up the dirt which took me a couple hours with my little trowel. They have a pick like thing that Oscar uses but I am not up to that. There are a lot of big roots from the climbing green stuff. If it was little I pulled it out. If it was big I just dug around it. When I was done digging, I raked a layer of dirt and rocks to the edge and decided to water it good. That is when the fun started. I took the hose from my house to the sink at the soccer field. It reached partway across and since there is no sprayer you use your finger or thumb over the spray to get it to go farther. The sink is to the right of where I was digging so that determined where I had to stand. There is a pretty good breeze today and it was blowing towards me. Yup, you got it! I got drenched. I let the wet ground set, had lunch and went back to plant. We picked tall, medium and short flowers and mixed all the tall ones together, all the medium together then all the short ones. After I spread the seeds I raked the dirt over them that I had raked to the front. You got it, now I have to water the whole thing again really good. Soaked again from head to toe. Now I will have to move the hose to the laundry sink and water my vegetable garden, then move it to my house to water all my flowers. Why didn't I start this during the rainy season! I think I may need to invest in some hoses.
This morning about 7:00 I heard a lot of noise involving the barrel that I had only heard once before. Sure enough, Costa Rica has one less zorro. They are really ugly!
Tomorrow morning we are going to Paraiso to the Central Park in front of the church for a celebration of the Mary that is the Patron Saint of the military. They don't have a military here but the police will be doing a gun salute. You rarely see weapons so it should be interesting.
Last night the power went off just as we were finishing dinner so we sat out on the balcony with a candle and flashlight. It was really beautiful to see the lights on the mountains and everything else closer was dark. It lasted maybe an hour and then everything came back on.
Speaking of dinner, I suggested kabobs. I got chicken, beef and pork, boiled some little potatoes to add to the skewers, cut up palmetto, pineapple, peppers and onion. I marinated the meat and put the skewers together and John took it from there and cooked them on the grill. They were very good and I have enough of the meat for a couple more meals. I will divide it up and freeze it.
Speaking of the meat, there is a meat market at the other grocery store. It is where I got the sausage for the dressing at Thanksgiving. The Super didn't have much to pick from so I went down the street. The guys there are so nice and got someone who spoke English to help me. They even deboned and cut up chicken breast for me so it would be thick like the beef and pork. By the time I left they were all saying words in English and they told me the cashier loved my purse. You know Heather, the one with all the scarf pieces hanging on the outside.
Two weeks from today! John and Debbie went to the lookout the other day and we think it will be a great spot to take Heather and Kent for a picnic.

My new flower patch.

So full and heavy it broke off. I have a bunch and John and Debbie have a bunch besides all of these.

I found this in my vegetable garden today but since it has only been 2 days, it must be a weed.

The area where the new flower garden will be.

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