Thursday, February 18, 2016

It is here!

Heather received an email from the man at Southwest saying the missing suitcase had arrived on the Tuesday evening flight. She gave him my telephone number and said it would be delivered yesterday.  I went over the directions and address, such as it is. About 4:00 or 4:30 I got a call and all I understood was Southwest and no English. I went and got Kent, who is doing very well with his Spanish and we called the man back and I could hear talk about La Anita - which is the Super. The man said he would call back when he was by the Super. To cover all bases I stayed in front of La Quinta and Kent took the phone and went in front of the Super. He came and checked with me twice and finally called the man back. Turns out he had just left the airport and it would be a couple hours. We went in, had dinner and were playing a game of Quiddler - Heather won - when my phone rang. It was him and he wanted to know what to do. He was in front of the back door of the Super but no one was there. We went out and got the bag and he was on his way.
It was like Christmas because I forgot what was packed and got to go thru everything and be surprised. Nothing broke in this bag either soI was very happy. 
Yesterday was a warm, beautiful day. Today, not so much. It was forecast that a cold front was coming thru today. I hope it is a short one. We were going to the pools today but will do something else. Kent is off walking around town already this morning. Tuesday evening they went to Rabbit's for casados and the lady remembered Heather and enjoyed talking with Kent in Spanish. They also went to the convenience store and the man remembered her. I love that. It makes you feel like a part of the place, like you belong.
I have mentioned off and on about my sciatica problems. Heather brought me a small bottle of Magnesium Oil and it is amazing how it helps. I have used it a couple times and the pain goes away for hours. The literature suggests using it as a massage oil. I think I am going to get a gallon when I go to Oregon in March. Or, I will get the flakes and make my own using distilled water. Recipe seems quite easy. Apparently using it topically is so much better than orally. 
I have been checking on my babies everyday. Nothing super exciting going on although John's tomatoes seem to like my porch and are growing like mad. I now have cucumber and peas and 2 kinds of squash and carrots to plant. I need a bigger garden. The lettuce I will save for when I need it. 

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