Monday, February 15, 2016

It is a beautiful day in Orosi, a sad day and a happy day.

I got up and got dressed and was at Debbie and John's apartment about 6:30 this morning. They planned to leave at 7:00 with all their luggage. I had suggested they try putting the toaster oven in their luggage, filled with things in plastic bags. At first she didn't think it would fit but they were able to work it in. They will end up leaving it in Nicaragua but at least they will have it to use the next couple months. I told them I have stayed in places where the staff line up to bid guests goodbye and I was the line up. I waved them off till they went out of sight. It is the 7:15 bus to Cartago and a few block walk to the train station then the train to San Jose. They are staying the night in San Jose tonight then heading to San Juan del Sur tomorrow morning. They had to go so early because the train only operates early morning to San Jose and late coming back. It is mainly for commuters. They will be missed here.
It is a beautiful day here. Sun shining and clear blue sky. It will be a busy day getting the apartment ready for Heather and Kent. Bread is already mixed and rising. I need to make a trip to the super for a few things and I need to make another batch of chocolate coconut balls. The batch I made yesterday is almost gone. I gave John and Debbie a box, Emilio a box and took them with me last night when we went to dinner. We went to the upstairs hamburger place. John and Debbie love their chicken and they were out of fish so I finally tried a hamburger. It was good. A pre made hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato, ham, mayonnaise and catsup. The fries are really good and I like the guanabana drink. The owner really liked the chocolates and didn't hesitate when I offered him a second one.
We stopped on the way and Emilio gave me my Valentine's Day gift. He bought me a visor so I didn't have to carry a hat with me all the time. So nice.
Babies are all doing fine and some are actually getting quite big. They are in the area where I have the chilies marker but Ana doesn't think they are chilies so I don't know what is coming up. I have moved the pot of tomatoes from upstairs to my porch. I think they will get more sun here.
Life goes on here in Orosi!

Doing really great. Cut cherry tomatoes in half and laid them on the dirt.

Mystery babies but look how big they are.

Flower babies.

I didn't plant them but aren't they beautiful!

My most recent hydrangea is doing really great.

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