Wednesday, January 13, 2016

We are getting closer to being farmers

I took out the vegetation and the tree and this morning John carted all the stuff away and put it by similar stuff. This afternoon I will do more to rake the rocks into a pile at the end. We may want to use them so I don't want to cart them away. We left a green plant at the end in case it is banana which would fit right in. 
I made Chocolate Chip cookies this morning. They all turn out flat. I don't know what the problem is or what ingredient isn't doing its job. They taste good. 
We are definitely seeing less rain. I have been watering all my plants. 
There are now 3 cats hanging around here and the noise they make is unbelievable, especially at night. I think they have decided my porch is a good place to hang out and howl. 
Just 10 days till Heather and Kent get here. That is why we have been playing so much Quiddler. To practice up so we can beat Kent at least once.

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