Sunday, January 10, 2016

Adventure postponed

We haven't been on our adventure yet. There is talk of early this week. We did go for pizza Friday evening. Emilio asked if I had any fudge when I said I would bring chocolate. I made a pan quick and brought the whole thing along. We also brought the Quiddler game and played while we were waiting for the pizza to come. I cut up the fudge and he served it to all the customers. We continued the game until closing and came home to finish. John was on a roll, winning all the games. Pizza was great as well as the garlic bread. Their two thirds was ham and pineapple and peppers and tomato slices and my third was pepperoni and tomatoes and onion and peppers and tomato slices.
Saturday morning we went to Paraiso for the feria and met up with Emilio. After the feria we went to the store with the sewing machines and I bought one for $116.00. It is a Brothers, quite basic but works great. Heather will be bringing mine in a couple weeks so I will have 2 for a class or to get one or two ladies started on projects. Heather and Kent will also be bringing lots of fabric and yarn and batting. John and Debbie left while I was waiting to pay and Emilio and I came on a later bus. We went to the restaurant by the gas station for a great Casado lunch and then brought my stuff home. In the meantime John had been meeting the buses to help me carry the sewing machine. When we got here he was coming back from meeting another bus. He is so nice.
Today was church and the music was 6 or 7 guys on guitars and a woman on tambourine and another man on drums. They all sang also. 
I gave Debbie a dreamcatcher lesson this afternoon and her's turned out really cute. We had a light supper and played 3 games of Quiddler. We each won a game. Some of the words we try to sneak in, people would think we were really looney. We agreed not to use the online dictionary so if we aren't sure, we don't allow it.
Wednesday Emilio and I are going to the restaurant supply place in Cartago to pick up supplies so we can make chocolate chip cookies for him to keep at the pizza shop.
This is moving week. Ann is going back to the states and John and Debbie are moving up to the upstairs apt. When Heather and Kent come on the 23rd they will stay in the little apt. Word is that the new refrigerator from the little apt. is coming to my house as mine is old and has problems.
We also are going to ask Gerardo if we can turn a nice little area between the laundry area and the fence to the back yard into a vegetable garden. Heather is bringing seeds for peas and lettuce and squash and purple carrots (those were free). I have green onions and chives and dill and John has started tomato plants. Should be interesting! 
It is definitely getting to the end of the rainy season and we have had some warmer weather. It is just lovely. 

Debbie and her dreamcatcher.

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