Monday, September 21, 2015

I am learning

I had a fruit lesson this morning. If you go back to yesterday and the picture that says I haven't a clue it is mandarina (mandarin orange). The one Ana gave me is a little tart and she says the skin is good for keeping the cockroaches away. She says it is also good for the eyes.
I also asked about the one that I said it was getting ripe and that is lemon dulce. The one that Gerardo gave me looks like grapefruit inside. It definitely doesn't taste like a lemon. 
I also had him tell me where to plant the tree - just past the bananas. Next are the red flowers. I think we are going to fill up the half wall along the soccer field.
The sun is shining. It is a beautiful morning in Orosi. 

1 comment:

First stop Costa Rica said...

Correction, it is Limon dulce or sweet lemon.