Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The gate was open

So I knew the dogs were in their kennels. For anyone who is concerned, Soggy dog is just fine. Anyway, since the gate was open I went with my camera to take some pictures of the fruit crop in the back yard. This time I know what they are. 
My breakfast consisted of avocado and guava from the trees in the yard and papaya and pineapple from the market. I went out and picked a Limon for the papaya and avocado. They are very good although the guava was just for picture taking. It is still a little hard but I can use it for my jelly. 
It is official. Both Heather and Courtney are confirmed and ticketed to come. I am so excited! 
Today I am going to go thru my seed packets and find little flowers for under the trees Gerardo planted for me yesterday. He divided them into 5 plants so a whole area will be that plant.


More oranges


Mandarin oranges

More oranges. 
It's OK, you can correct me if I am wrong.

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