Thursday, September 1, 2016

Wow, was it ever our day?

It was raining this morning so I made French Toast and we sat on the porch and played Quiddler. It stopped raining and I was looking around and two trees away from the house was a sloth on the tree about 5 feet from the ground. I could barely get it out. Look, look, look and Emilio kept saying what, where. When he finally saw it he went over and told the ladies staying here and we got some great pictures. A little later everyone was back around the same tree because there was a second one. The first one had gone back up the tree. By the time I got there the second one was a ways up the tree so my picture isn't as good. 3 in 2 days. We heard monkeys playing around in some of the other trees, throwing things down to the ground.
We played several games of Quiddler and Emilio even beat me. I am the queen of little words so I usually get most words but most of the time he got longest word. We are only doing English words, not Spanish, so he is doing really great.
We did go over to the beach this afternoon but neither of us wants to get burned so I stayed in the shade and he played in the water. The sand is black and hot as can be. On the way home we picked up an order of plantain patties and had them along with fruit drinks, scoop chips, the fajitas mix, refried beans and salsa and the pickles. It was great. We are planning at least one more game of Quiddler tonight.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a trip down the coast to Manzanillo so I can see a little more of the area.

Number 2, first one today.

Number 3, second one today.

His first win.

As wet as I got.

The waves were good size. I loved watching them break.

I love the trees here.

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