Sunday, September 4, 2016

I am back in Orosi.

I learned something new today. When we got to San Jose Emilio explained the direct bus to Paraiso doesn't operate on Sunday so we took a taxi to the Lamaca station and got on a non-stop from San Jose to Cartago. It was full and although I got a seat, he didn't. He said it was ok after the 4 1/2 hour ride from Puerto Viejo. We got off by the church and walked the short way to the Orosi bus. One had just left so we were able to pick our seats on the next one. He was concerned about me and all my luggage but I convinced him I would be fine and he got off in Paraiso and I came here. I got off by the Super and came through. I remembered where I stuck my key, which was now in my suitcase so I stopped in the back of the Super to find it. I should go and get supplies but it is raining a lot so I may just wait. I want to organize my material to take with me tomorrow. Jose will be here at 8:00am to take me to the attorney. I have messaged Otto and we are set for 6:00pm tomorrow evening.
There is a ladder in front of my porch, next to the avocado tree so I think they have been doing some harvesting. I still see plenty left.
Now for my request. If any family or friends have leftover, or full skeins, of cotton yarn that they would be willing to send down here for the cancer hats, let me know and I will give you Heather's address to mail it to her and I will bring it. I ordered 16 skeins that is all solid colors and I will buy some variegated or self striping to go with it. The ladies love combining yarns so it doesn't matter if it is a partial skein. It does matter that it is all cotton. With cotton there is no itching or allergies. Thank you in advance for anything you can send. I had 3 white garbage bags of yarn and I am almost out. I still have a good supply of the scarf fabric but I will need to restock that also.
We have a plan. I have been wanting a planter that is made from concrete blocks. It doesn't have to be like the picture. That is just the basic idea. So, Wednesday I am going to the hardware store and buy the blocks and have them deliver them here. Thursday Emilio is coming to help me build it. I will also get another bag of dirt. I have a half bag but I don't think that is enough. I have lots of plants for it - cactus and succulents. I did bring the peanut butter tree shoot back with me. I have to explain it to Gerardo and see where we can plant it. There is also a pot with a little plant on my table on the porch. It wasn't here when I left so it must be a welcome home gift.

We couldn't get by without a selfie.

Katya's place had 2 of these that would come and visit. Tiny little things. Very friendly. There was also a big black dog and they were not the least bit afraid of it.

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