Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Today’s story

A trip to the hospital was planned for today. I made coco Krispie bars last night and packed my bag with 25 hats. I left home about 8:40 and walked to the bus stop. I was scheduled to meet Emilio at the bus stop in Cartago but on the way to Paraiso he said he was going on my bus. He got on at the stop by city center and we chatted all the way to Cartago. Last time he came with me he was a bit uncomfortable and I hoped this time it would be better for him. Once we got to the chemo room he took one container of bars and handed them out to the patients. I took the other container and handed bars out to the staff.

I have the hats divided into two bags. One for men and one for women. He took the men’s hats and I took the ladies. We ended up with a couple ladies who needed bigger hats and they took from the men’s pile. The big hit was the hats with the scarves. They can be adjusted and really are lovely. Heather is hunting for more scarves and scarf fabric to bring me in January. I am just about out.

I then asked permission to take pictures and captured some very happy faces. I always explain about my group and where the ladies are from and when I say goodbye they thank us again and again.

Patients, staff and guards all have treats so we headed down the street to a cafe for coffee and something to eat. We both had cafe con leche and omelets. It is a very nice place I have been to several times and their food and pastry is very good. We sat by the window and saw a couple people we knew walk by. We also saw a lady with no hair. I wanted to go after her and give her a hat but I was concerned I wouldn’t catch up to her. As I watched she crossed the street and seemed to go to the bus stop a little ways down the street. We finished and paid and handed out bars and then headed across the street. She was sitting at the bus stop and I asked Emilio to explain about the hats and I got them out of my bag. I explained about my group and she was so pleased and excited to take a hat. It doesn’t have to be just at the hospital. No one is safe from the hat ladies. And I was happy to see Emilio was also having a good day.

Back to Paraiso to buy butter and Orosi to deposit money for my rent the end of the month. There were no taxis available so I took the bus and walked home. I don’t do that very often because it is all uphill and my North Dakota legs that are used to flat don’t do well going uphill.

Tomorrow is a stay at home day and Friday is back to the hospital with Otto unless he has a last minute request for a massage.

Want some lemons? Tons left on the tree.

The center of the blanket is almost done. 42” and it needs to be 48”.

Emilio handing out bars.

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