Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New and interesting experiences

Today was day number 5 and Ligia and I headed for the hospital in Cartago. Yesterday I went to pick up more hats in Paraiso and take them more yarn for the next batch. I told them that after today I would plan my next visits for March. October 14 was the birthday of my brother who died of cancer and in March is my birthday.

As we were walking along the hospital I said there aren’t many people today. There was almost no one on the steps and the doors were closed. A guard directed us to the single door at the top of the ramp and Ligia explained why we were there and where we wanted to go. Even without getting my permission slip out we were allowed in. Coco Krispie bars for both guards but no crowds or lines of people. Ligia explained it was a free day and most departments were closed. Chemo was open so we headed for the second guard station and more bars. Two more happy guards.

Chemo was open but not as busy as other days. There was a lady and her helper/daughter leaving so I asked Ligia to explain what we have and they returned. Ligia handed out bars to the patients and I covered the staff. I had put a message in my translate program and handed my phone to a staff person I recognized. It said I would be back in March but if they need more before that here is my name and number. They took it down and thanked me and gave me back my phone.

As I have mentioned, there are lots of men. Not today. There was only 1 when we got there and 2 more came before we left. We went down the stairs and out the back so I could give those guards bars. Next stop was the usual restaurant for coffee and a bite to eat. I am probably the only person in Costa Rica that goes to a restaurant and hands out food. While we were sitting there a family came in. An older couple and the man was helping their adult son to walk. The son looked quite weak, with little hair, and when he sat down he fell off the chair onto the floor. Once they were settled Ligia went over and explained about the hats and the restaurant owner and waiter helped to explain and we gave away another hat. I was told his problem was diabetes but it doesn’t matter. It was someone who was very happy with his new hat.

Big day for Rain tomorrow. I take her to the vet in the late afternoon and she will stay there overnight. It is too hard to try and keep her from eating with two other cats. Thursday morning she will be spayed and I will pick her up Thursday afternoon. It will then be a quiet few days for her and stay home time for me.

Nothing much planned for the next month except a trip for Ligia and I to Ziomara’s on Nov 9 and the Seniors party here Nov 29. Turkey and dressing and pickles and Sangria for me and Jeannette will bring the vegetable rice. Probably have to bake something. Music and dancing. Fun for everyone.

The hats from Paraiso. Except the top left. I made that.


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