Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New and interesting experiences

Today was day number 5 and Ligia and I headed for the hospital in Cartago. Yesterday I went to pick up more hats in Paraiso and take them more yarn for the next batch. I told them that after today I would plan my next visits for March. October 14 was the birthday of my brother who died of cancer and in March is my birthday.

As we were walking along the hospital I said there aren’t many people today. There was almost no one on the steps and the doors were closed. A guard directed us to the single door at the top of the ramp and Ligia explained why we were there and where we wanted to go. Even without getting my permission slip out we were allowed in. Coco Krispie bars for both guards but no crowds or lines of people. Ligia explained it was a free day and most departments were closed. Chemo was open so we headed for the second guard station and more bars. Two more happy guards.

Chemo was open but not as busy as other days. There was a lady and her helper/daughter leaving so I asked Ligia to explain what we have and they returned. Ligia handed out bars to the patients and I covered the staff. I had put a message in my translate program and handed my phone to a staff person I recognized. It said I would be back in March but if they need more before that here is my name and number. They took it down and thanked me and gave me back my phone.

As I have mentioned, there are lots of men. Not today. There was only 1 when we got there and 2 more came before we left. We went down the stairs and out the back so I could give those guards bars. Next stop was the usual restaurant for coffee and a bite to eat. I am probably the only person in Costa Rica that goes to a restaurant and hands out food. While we were sitting there a family came in. An older couple and the man was helping their adult son to walk. The son looked quite weak, with little hair, and when he sat down he fell off the chair onto the floor. Once they were settled Ligia went over and explained about the hats and the restaurant owner and waiter helped to explain and we gave away another hat. I was told his problem was diabetes but it doesn’t matter. It was someone who was very happy with his new hat.

Big day for Rain tomorrow. I take her to the vet in the late afternoon and she will stay there overnight. It is too hard to try and keep her from eating with two other cats. Thursday morning she will be spayed and I will pick her up Thursday afternoon. It will then be a quiet few days for her and stay home time for me.

Nothing much planned for the next month except a trip for Ligia and I to Ziomara’s on Nov 9 and the Seniors party here Nov 29. Turkey and dressing and pickles and Sangria for me and Jeannette will bring the vegetable rice. Probably have to bake something. Music and dancing. Fun for everyone.

The hats from Paraiso. Except the top left. I made that.


Friday, October 25, 2019

4 days done and 1 to go

When I start going to the hospital with hats I go Monday - Friday so I hit all the people. Then I wait 4-6 months so I am contacting different people. Today was the 4th day and Tuesday with Ligia will cover the whole week. It has taken me all month because of my cold and I need days in between to make treats.

Last night Otto let me know he had a massage at 8:00am and asked if we could take the bus a little later or he could drive. I said I would leave here on the bus at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Parking can be a real problem in that area so I didn’t want him to worry about driving. Today’s treats were no bake oatmeal coconut cookies. I had lots so everyone along the way got them. Otto got on in Orosi and off we went.

Again the chemo room was very busy and so many young people. Otto took one container and handed cookies out to the patients and I took the other one and handed them out to the staff. When that was finished he took the men’s hats and I took the women’s. When we had packed up and said our goodbyes we headed out. I always check the area outside the chemo room to see if there is anyone who can use a hat. There was a woman in a wheelchair with a turban on and an attendant. As we got close Otto said I can explain and I said thank you. The attendant said would you like to speak English. She has lived in the US for 11 years so I was able to explain to her about Chicas Buenas and the other lady gratefully took one of the hats.

At the front door I gave the 2 guards cookies and there was a second stand set up with 2 ladies working it. One lady said what about me so they got cookies too. Otto had time so we stopped for coffee and a bite to eat at the same place Emilio and I stopped on Wednesday. The same waiter helped us. They must wonder about me and my men but I don’t think they care. I gave them cookies too. The owner is German and speaks English and remembers me and the story of the hats.

Monday I am going to Paraiso to pick up some hats and I will have a massage in the afternoon. I also hope to get 2 men’s hats crocheted between now and Tuesday. I have enough ladies hats but I am short on men’s.

Have I told you about the construction going on here? It is very quiet construction. Behind me is the bodega. Kind of a workshop/storage area. It is being turned into a house. It won’t be a problem having someone else back there as there is lots of greenery between my deck and the bodega. The road back there is off to the side and I may plant something that grows like a hedge along the road to block my view. I don’t know how long it will take to get it done. 1 or 2 people have been back there working almost every day. I met one of the workers and he said there are lots of mosquitoes so hopefully the house will be well sealed. I, of course, gave him cookies for him and his family.

It’s raining, again. Still. No flooding news lately. I think next week will be a big week for Rain (the kitten). It’s time to have her fixed. I wanted to wait until I didn’t have anything scheduled so I could stay home with her. Every time she goes out I am concerned she will come back pregnant.

Oh, and, I have a raccoon that comes up on the deck and eats the cat food I put out for pretty kitty, the stray that hangs out here. Life is never boring here in Rio Macho!
Hats to pick up on Monday

So many smiling faces today. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Today’s story

A trip to the hospital was planned for today. I made coco Krispie bars last night and packed my bag with 25 hats. I left home about 8:40 and walked to the bus stop. I was scheduled to meet Emilio at the bus stop in Cartago but on the way to Paraiso he said he was going on my bus. He got on at the stop by city center and we chatted all the way to Cartago. Last time he came with me he was a bit uncomfortable and I hoped this time it would be better for him. Once we got to the chemo room he took one container of bars and handed them out to the patients. I took the other container and handed bars out to the staff.

I have the hats divided into two bags. One for men and one for women. He took the men’s hats and I took the ladies. We ended up with a couple ladies who needed bigger hats and they took from the men’s pile. The big hit was the hats with the scarves. They can be adjusted and really are lovely. Heather is hunting for more scarves and scarf fabric to bring me in January. I am just about out.

I then asked permission to take pictures and captured some very happy faces. I always explain about my group and where the ladies are from and when I say goodbye they thank us again and again.

Patients, staff and guards all have treats so we headed down the street to a cafe for coffee and something to eat. We both had cafe con leche and omelets. It is a very nice place I have been to several times and their food and pastry is very good. We sat by the window and saw a couple people we knew walk by. We also saw a lady with no hair. I wanted to go after her and give her a hat but I was concerned I wouldn’t catch up to her. As I watched she crossed the street and seemed to go to the bus stop a little ways down the street. We finished and paid and handed out bars and then headed across the street. She was sitting at the bus stop and I asked Emilio to explain about the hats and I got them out of my bag. I explained about my group and she was so pleased and excited to take a hat. It doesn’t have to be just at the hospital. No one is safe from the hat ladies. And I was happy to see Emilio was also having a good day.

Back to Paraiso to buy butter and Orosi to deposit money for my rent the end of the month. There were no taxis available so I took the bus and walked home. I don’t do that very often because it is all uphill and my North Dakota legs that are used to flat don’t do well going uphill.

Tomorrow is a stay at home day and Friday is back to the hospital with Otto unless he has a last minute request for a massage.

Want some lemons? Tons left on the tree.

The center of the blanket is almost done. 42” and it needs to be 48”.

Emilio handing out bars.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another successful visit

I left home before 9:00am to take the 9:00am bus. I read yesterday the bridge was open again so I didn’t expect any problems. My bag was packed with 10 mens hats and 15 ladies hats. My goodies were in the refrigerator to be added to the bag at the last minute. I had asked Ligia to go with me but she had an eye appointment in Paraiso so I was going alone. I can do that with no problems except I can’t have conversations with the patients.

As I was walking to the bus a neighbor who speaks English stopped and asked me if I would like a ride someplace. I thanked them and said I was going to Cartago so I would take the bus. They are now working on the road - resurfacing and filling pot holes - between the church and the bridge so there were delays because it is down to one lane in some areas.

At La Colonial bus stop (Gerardo’s appliance store) Ligia got on so we sat together and talked till Paraiso. She is making good progress on the center section of the blanket and needs me to bring white yarn on Tuesday. 

An easy walk to the hospital and there seemed to be some supervisors at the guard station. I just whipped out my permission slip and cookies for everyone and away I went. The hospital seemed extra busy today. Wash my hands and into the chemo room. Not too many people. I had parchment paper cut out to put around the cookies which were balls so it was easy for me to hand them out alone. Next I got out the men’s hats and let them pick what they wanted or what fit them. There was a hospital volunteer there today but she was just confusing things. I think she thought those were all the hats and was trying to take some and give them to women. I explained I had more for the ladies and got them out. I try to bring extra so they all have choices. Next week it should be Emilio with me on Wednesday and Otto on Friday. The next week it will be Ligia on Tuesday.

After everyone said goodbye I headed for the yarn shop to pick up a package of beige yarn they were holding for me. It was all very organized and only took a few minutes. I was having thoughts of stopping to eat at Pizza Hut but it turned out they weren’t open yet.  Subway was and this is where my interesting story begins.

Now I in no way want you to think this is unusual. I am sure it happens all over in some form or another. It has happened to me rarely since I have been here and I am sure it is because Cartago is a big city. I got my food - a combo with a drink- and sat down. Just a few minutes later a young man came over and asked if he could have my cup when I was done. He had long wild hair but looked quite clean. He even typed it into a translate program. I told him I understood him and he sat in the next booth facing me the whole time I was eating. I figured if he had my cup he would go get pop refills for who knows how long. I didn’t feel right about that. I did some thinking and came up with a plan. When I finished eating I told him to come with me. He picked up his skateboard and I told him to get in line. I went to the cashier and said I wanted a beverage for him. I asked him what size and he said large. I paid for it and gave him the cup. I figure now it is between him and the workers at Subway how many times they let him refill it. And they know it is actually his.  I don’t know if that was right or wrong but I do know I forgot my hat and when I went back it was gone. Darn! I really liked that hat.

Taxi to Walmart and Fran brought me back to Subway to check on the hat and then home. Cats are set with food for several weeks. The clerks at Walmart got cookies and so did all the taxi drivers while I was waiting for Fran. When he left my house he had cas, guayaba and lemons. Still tons on the tree. He said when I come to Paraiso for the feria I should call him and we will have coffee with his wife.
One of my beautiful butterflies

The center of the blanket. Next will be some wider rows until it is 48” square.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Have I found.....

the most talented ladies in Costa Rica or what? I have a suitcase full of hats and last week Rosa and I went to the hospital in Cartago on Monday. Plans were I would go again on Thursday because I had a quarterly clinic appointment on Tuesday as well as a gathering at Jeannette’s Tuesday afternoon. I need a day to bake or make goodies to take with me so Thursday would work. BUT things haven’t gone as planned.

Monday we met on the hospital steps at 10:15. I had 10 men’s hats and 15 ladies hats and plenty of coco Krispie bars. I always give treats to the guards and they don’t even ask for my permission slip anymore. They know I am bringing hats and let us in.  The majority of people in the chemo room were men, which isn’t usually the case. Rosa helped me hand out treats to everyone and then hats. There were so many smiles it really touched my heart. Once everyone had picked the hat they wanted I asked if I could take pictures to show the other ladies who helped make the hats. Even people who seemed to be very ill willingly agreed and put their hats on.

I said I would be back on Thursday and fully expected to do so. Tuesday morning I woke up with all the symptoms of a bad cold. My clinic appointment was at 9:00 so I got up and off I went. The doctor checked me out and said my throat was red and prescribed some pills which I got before I left the clinic. I decided no Thursday visit to the hospital because I didn’t want to pass my germs to anyone. I decided instead I would go today and again on Thursday.

We have been having tons of rain and lots of flooding and mud slides in the surrounding areas. Last night the bridge on the main road from Orosi to Paraiso developed a crack and was closed until it could be checked out. So many people work in San Jose and so many people take the bus so that is still operating. You take the bus from here to the bridge, get off and walk across the bridge and get on another bus for the rest of the journey. No vehicles are allowed on the bridge. I decided not to go today because of the confusion but I still do plan to go on Thursday. I have no idea how long it will be before the bridge is open again. Cars can take a back route from Paraiso to just past the bridge but that route doesn’t work for trucks or buses. Not sure what is going to be done for truck deliveries and supplies to Orosi.

Now the other part of my ladies talent. I didn’t go to Jeannette’s today but I was sent a picture of the center of the blanket they are all working on. The center section will end up 48 inches square. Then we can attach the 12 inch squares all around it. There are 20 squares and they are all done. After the center part and squares are put together we then have several rows of border to finish it off. That area will include the names of all the ladies involved in the work. Rosa, Adriana, Laura and Marta have each done 3 squares. Ligia has done quality control where necessary on those squares and has done the rest of the squares, except for the 1 I did and is doing the added rows to the center piece that I did. She will also do the sewing together and the border around the whole blanket. Johanna will do the embroidery of the names. Jeannette and Zoila have done the ribbon weaving.  I can’t wait to see the finished product.
The bus from here to the bridge.

Walk across.

See the crack? 

The other bus is waiting

The center of the blanket

See all my lemons! Otto and Jose have picked some and still it is loaded.

She was so happy with her hat. 

He seemed very weak but still put his hat on.

He was very pleased. They said their heads get so cold.

Another happy lady. The scarves allow the hats to be made larger or tightened.