Friday, July 20, 2018

Oh my, oh my, oh my

I keep telling myself, and the cats, it is only for a week. I have a feeling it is going to be a very long week. They hate, hate, hate the cones, which I am told is very common. From the looks of the scratches on my arm, they also hate having their suture area sprayed. I have to do that twice a day for 5 days. I better get my long sleeves or coat out.

I managed the morning pills with no problem. It is really small so I put it in soft food on a spoon and fed them that way. I have tried all different containers for the food and water but so far the spoon works best. I have spilled food and water all over. I have swept up so much food. I figure if I give them soft food on the spoon 3-4 times a day it won’t matter they aren’t eating much hard. I don’t know. I am not a cat doctor. But, since my Vet didn’t notice Dally was a boy after 4 visits, how bad a job can I do?

Dally seems to be having the worst time accepting and adjusting. He knocks over all the food and drink and is continuously fighting the cone. Domingo is doing better but his problem is he growls every time Dally comes anywhere near him. It is like it was when I first brought him here. I don’t know if he feels defenseless with the cone on or what. It is only a week, it is only a week. Hopefully they will go back to getting along and being friends. The doctor thought they were friends before, even though they are both males, because Domingo is younger and smaller and not a threat.
Chasing cans of cat food around.

If I hang my head over I can sleep. 

Long sleeves next time.

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