Sunday, July 29, 2018

Oh my it was a day!

My foot isn’t back to normal yet but when Emilio messaged me to see if I wanted to go to see if the vendors by the Basilica had the bells this year, I couldn’t say no. We agreed to meet at the bus stop by the Basilica and I left here at 11:00am on the bus. The square by the Basilica was not like it normally is. August 2nd is the feast day so things are very busy in the whole area. Many extra food stands are  open and vendors selling all kinds of things. I wasn’t sure the vendors from Nicaragua would be there with all the difficulties going on in their country. They were and our first stop was where the person I bought Heather’s bells from had been other years. He was there and he even remembered us. Last  year I went 3 times and didn’t see any but this year there were 3 long sets. Two were painted reddish and one is natural. That’s right, I bought all 3. They will make great gifts - two of them anyway. The third one is for me. And how much did they cost you say! 7000 colones which is about $12.00 each.  Great deal since they are about 5 feet tall. I love them. Emilio bought sandals and we headed for lunch at the Mexican restaurant I really like. We ordered beverages and a platter to share. It has chips and tortillas, guacamole, pico de gallo, cheese and refreíd beans. We ordered a side dish of carne and  I enjoyed everything so much.

Emilio talked about going to Puerto Viejo for two nights this week and he invited me to come too. My first thought was the cats. I would need to have a cat sitter. I said I would think about it.

Next stop was WalMart. I get my cat food there but of course I couldn’t leave with just that. We  loaded everything in a taxi and headed for my house. Emilio hung my bells in the middle of the deck and we talked more about Puerto Viejo. I did some research and found a really cute 2 bedroom house a couple minute walk from the beach and in beautiful gardens. It even has a plunge pool. The price  was right so we are going Wednesday and coming back Friday. Jose will pick me up at 7:00am on Wednesday so I can make a 7:32am bus from Paraiso to San Jose. Then we take a 10:00am bus from  San Jose. We will stop in Puerto Viejo for groceries then on to the house. I am still working on a sitter  for the cats. First request is to Otto.

It was difficult but I passed 3 nurseries between Cartago and Paraiso and didn’t stop. I did some  planting yesterday when it wasn’t raining. .
My bells 

The Basilica 

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