Sunday, July 29, 2018

Oh my it was a day!

My foot isn’t back to normal yet but when Emilio messaged me to see if I wanted to go to see if the vendors by the Basilica had the bells this year, I couldn’t say no. We agreed to meet at the bus stop by the Basilica and I left here at 11:00am on the bus. The square by the Basilica was not like it normally is. August 2nd is the feast day so things are very busy in the whole area. Many extra food stands are  open and vendors selling all kinds of things. I wasn’t sure the vendors from Nicaragua would be there with all the difficulties going on in their country. They were and our first stop was where the person I bought Heather’s bells from had been other years. He was there and he even remembered us. Last  year I went 3 times and didn’t see any but this year there were 3 long sets. Two were painted reddish and one is natural. That’s right, I bought all 3. They will make great gifts - two of them anyway. The third one is for me. And how much did they cost you say! 7000 colones which is about $12.00 each.  Great deal since they are about 5 feet tall. I love them. Emilio bought sandals and we headed for lunch at the Mexican restaurant I really like. We ordered beverages and a platter to share. It has chips and tortillas, guacamole, pico de gallo, cheese and refreĆ­d beans. We ordered a side dish of carne and  I enjoyed everything so much.

Emilio talked about going to Puerto Viejo for two nights this week and he invited me to come too. My first thought was the cats. I would need to have a cat sitter. I said I would think about it.

Next stop was WalMart. I get my cat food there but of course I couldn’t leave with just that. We  loaded everything in a taxi and headed for my house. Emilio hung my bells in the middle of the deck and we talked more about Puerto Viejo. I did some research and found a really cute 2 bedroom house a couple minute walk from the beach and in beautiful gardens. It even has a plunge pool. The price  was right so we are going Wednesday and coming back Friday. Jose will pick me up at 7:00am on Wednesday so I can make a 7:32am bus from Paraiso to San Jose. Then we take a 10:00am bus from  San Jose. We will stop in Puerto Viejo for groceries then on to the house. I am still working on a sitter  for the cats. First request is to Otto.

It was difficult but I passed 3 nurseries between Cartago and Paraiso and didn’t stop. I did some  planting yesterday when it wasn’t raining. .
My bells 

The Basilica 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Thanks Mom, this is so much better.

I caved. There was so much scratching around the neck going on that I decided when I came home from my dental appointment this morning I would take the cones off. I warned them both that they really didn’t want me to have to put them back on. It also allowed them to eat without my help for the first time since Thursday. As soon as they finished eating they gave themselves a lengthy bath. I will watch them close and have Otto check them tomorrow and keep them inside till at least Friday. They still have a couple days of pills left so hopefully I haven’t made a mistake. Domingo is much livelier today so I think he is starting to feel better. He seems to have gotten over his fear of Dally and they are playing together.

My second dental appointment went well. The reminder Jose got and sent to me said Paraiso so my first stop was the appointment lady to make sure I wasn’t supposed to go there. She said no. I also had treats to deliver. Yesterday I made muffins that are supposed to taste like a donuts but baked, not fried. The response has been very good.  I had 10 with me and handed them out around town. I stopped for lunch and gave them some and got groceries. I called Luis and he was available to bring me home. I told him I liked Hector and he was right on time. He said Hector is his friend.

Now I have to start cleaning my house and removing all the containers of food and water that have
Much better 

We aren’t so happy Mom, even with nice handmade baskets.

been spilling all over. After I sweep, I really need to scrub the floor. After my massage tomorrow, I don’t have anything planned until next Tuesday so I can keep a close eye on the cats. I do need to take Domingo in for a vaccination one of these days. I did get everything I need to make a batch of pickles.

Next Tuesday is my next dental appointment, which I think is my last one. Dental seems to be a different story from medical. Getting these appointments has been no problem. Today I was in and out by 11:00 with a 10:00 appointment. I didn’t think that was bad.

As I described to Heather my foot seems to have advanced from pain to sore. The sore area is more localized but unfortunately it is along the side right under the toes and hurts more with shoes on. I did walk to the bus this morning - gave the bus driver a muffin too. It isn’t far from the bus stop to the clinic - about a block, but it is about 5 blocks to Katherine’s. Then a block to the Super. I did manage all of that.

Soon I will take a trek to Cartago to see if there are vendors by the Basilica. I still want a set of the clay bells but with all the problems in Nicaragua I don’t know if they will be there this year. August 2 is the feast day of the Virgin of Los Angeles, the patron saint of Costa Rica and about 3 million people make pilgrimages, walking to the Basilica from all over. They leave home with nothing and people along the way help them

Friday, July 20, 2018

Oh my, oh my, oh my

I keep telling myself, and the cats, it is only for a week. I have a feeling it is going to be a very long week. They hate, hate, hate the cones, which I am told is very common. From the looks of the scratches on my arm, they also hate having their suture area sprayed. I have to do that twice a day for 5 days. I better get my long sleeves or coat out.

I managed the morning pills with no problem. It is really small so I put it in soft food on a spoon and fed them that way. I have tried all different containers for the food and water but so far the spoon works best. I have spilled food and water all over. I have swept up so much food. I figure if I give them soft food on the spoon 3-4 times a day it won’t matter they aren’t eating much hard. I don’t know. I am not a cat doctor. But, since my Vet didn’t notice Dally was a boy after 4 visits, how bad a job can I do?

Dally seems to be having the worst time accepting and adjusting. He knocks over all the food and drink and is continuously fighting the cone. Domingo is doing better but his problem is he growls every time Dally comes anywhere near him. It is like it was when I first brought him here. I don’t know if he feels defenseless with the cone on or what. It is only a week, it is only a week. Hopefully they will go back to getting along and being friends. The doctor thought they were friends before, even though they are both males, because Domingo is younger and smaller and not a threat.
Chasing cans of cat food around.

If I hang my head over I can sleep. 

Long sleeves next time.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dally is a boy!

I trusted what others told me and didn’t go looking myself. When I went to check on them today at the Vet I was told and told sometimes they actually cut before discovering that. That didn’t happen. They figured it out before they did any surgery.

Both are doing good and I can go back at 5:00pm and get them. I will have antibiotics, collars for them to wear for the week, travel crates since they don’t like the red bags and everything will be just under 100,000 colones, which today is about $176.00.

The taxi, with a new driver for me, Hector, picked me up at 8:30. Right on time and very nice. I put his name and number in my phone and said I would call when I am ready to go home. Luis was busy and lined him  up for me. We dropped the cats off and I headed to Katherine’s.  I knew I had a dental appointment at the clinic today at 1:00 so I decided not to go home.  I headed to the clinic about 12:30 and ran into Gloriana and Ishmael, Jose’s partner and son. She was going to the dentist also so she was a big help to me. It was my first time for that department. It was 3:30 when I got in. They took care of one problem and now I have an appointment for Tuesday-morning. We will see if that goes any quicker. I am now back at Katherine’s, having something to eat and will swing by the bank and go get the kids. Hopefully we will have a quiet evening and night. Recovery won’t be near as bad as if Dally was a girl.

Friday, July 13, 2018

I have vegetables

Remember my new vegetable garden that only grew weeds. So they dug it up, created valleys and mounds, and replanted it. They talked about ants besides the rain washing everything away. I cut up several bunches of garlic and combined it with a bunch of cloves and had them sprinkle it all over cuz the ants don’t like it. Jose checked it the other day and ....... the garlic is growing! I will have to have a garlic festival like they do in Hutchinson cuz I am going to have tons. I guess I found my crop!

The main part of my house is a mess from top to bottom. The tent is on the deck in the box. The table   is folded up by the sewing table. Four folding chairs are next to it. I have been bringing things out as I think of them and piling them on the table. Scissors, string, tap, pens, garbage bags, paper towels, cups, glasses, spoons. I have made enough cookies for 20 packages of 6 and have packaged and priced and labeled them. There is also a container of cut up cookies for tasting. The jelly has been labeled and priced. I have an extra jar and crackers for tasting. I made 10 microwave potholders and they are all ready. Katherine has signs for me. All the crochet and macrame items are recorded, priced, labeled and packed in a tub. There are a few more things to do to make food for us to eat at the feria and a run to the bank for change.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. 

My latest plant. Crown of Thorns.

And I just cancelled everything. I don’t know, maybe it was a panic attack. You wouldn’t think this would be a big deal after what I have done the last 3 years. Mornings have been getting harder and harder for me. Maybe it is the thought of the alarm going off at 2:30. Maybe it is what I have gone thru the last 10 days with my foot. I don’t know, but I did it. And do you know what Jeanette’s reaction was? Calm down, relax, don’t stress. Thank you for thinking about us. We will talk on Tuesday. You see why I love these people!

I haven’t given up, it just isn’t happening today. I feel bad about all the people who have worked hard  to help me. Everything I read says I have strong intuition and I should follow it and since something doesn’t feel right, that is what I am doing.

If you are in the area and need a cookie, stop in. I have plenty.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The baking begins

Unless something happens to change things, my Saturday morning will begin about 3:00am, loading everything up, picking up the crochet ladies and heading to the feria. Natalie says we can swing by her house and pick her up and she will go with us. She is such a treasure and has been such a help. Yesterday I met her in Cartago and she even went to the market to get manzanilla for me to make a soak for my foot. No, it isn’t great yet.  I have been gathering things all week to take along. We will probably need an 18 wheeler.

Since Otto switched to this afternoon, I figured I would make a double batch of cookies this morning. Another tomorrow. It is 5 cookies for 1000 colones. AND, here is my feria cookie recipe.
Preheat oven to 350 Bake for 10-12 minutes
This makes about 32 cookies.
Grease pans or use parchment or baking sheets.

Put in a bowl and mix together
1 2/3 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
In another bowl
1/2 c soft butter
1 1/4 cups sugar
Beat till creamy
2 eggs 
Add one at a time and beat
1/2 tsp vanilla
Add and beat
Add dry ingredients and beat. 
In a small bowl sift 1/2 to 1 cup powdered sugar. I always seem to need more than 1/2 cup.

Now here is where I do things a little different. It says a tablespoon of dough into a ball and roll it in the powdered sugar. The dough is sticky so I skip the rolling into a ball stage. I take a spoon of dough, and roll it around into a rough ball in the powdered sugar. Seems to work good because people love these cookies.

I have lots of recipes but this one works really well. It is chocolate but doesn’t melt in the heat. I can get large containers of cocoa at PriceSmart so it isn’t ingredients I have to bring from the 

I also plan to make fruit bread to take to eat along with coffee, cold beverages, yogurt and egg  muffins. Next thing you know we will have people wanting to buy breakfast from us. Except no Gallo Pinto.

Pictures will have to wait till baking is done.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Good and bad news

Jose picked me up a little after 7:00am today to take me to the clinic in Paraiso for the lab work. I was back at my house by 8:15am. Not bad at all. I had planned to take the bus but couldn’t which is part of the bad news.

At the clinic I got in line and when Jose came in and sat down he offered to take my red bag but I said I needed it with me. It had all my pee containers in it. Sure enough when I checked in they wanted them. The lady kept saying something but I wasn’t getting it. The man behind me in line helped. It was fine for the big container to be in a bag but she wanted me to take the little one out of the bag. Got that done and went around the corner to wait. They call out your name so I was listening close. For some reason they use my middle name. It has happened more than once. I am listening for Gay Lee or Gayle or even Hayle and they are calling for Joan. 3 vials of blood and I am on my way

Now the rest of the story. In the kitchen, behind the door to the deck, there is a log at the end of the wall. There is an open area a couple inches wide between the log and the end wall. I used 2 long pieces of bamboo, standing on each other  to fill the opening - to stop the rats back in rats days. So, last night I was closing the door to the deck and the top piece of bamboo fell and hit my foot, along the side, just below my little toe. And, unfortunately, I didn’t have any shoes on.

I spent the evening with an ice pack on my foot and messaged Jose. I have a lump and it is all black and blue and hurts like mad. Walking is tough. I tried on 4 pairs of shoes this morning before going with the tennis shoes. I figure I will see how it goes today before going to the doctor. I don’t think anything is broken, at least I hope not. That is the leg with the bad knee and babying my foot is putting my knee out too. Needless to say I am a mess.

So to end with a laugh. This morning I went out early so I could go slow and not have to keep Jose waiting. I set my red bag down on the sidewalk and walked along my fence to the creek. I looked back and there was the neighbor’s little dog peeing on my bag. I must be putting out some very negative vibes to have all these things happening to me. I think I need to smudge me and everything here, including the cats.
This was  only 2 inches when I got it. Now it is 2 feet. I have been told it spreads like made and puts out tons of babies.

This was last night. 

My newest hydrangea. The petals are large.

Monday, July 2, 2018

The good news is.....

All of my new flowers have been planted. The new Hortensia is under the tree in front of my house. The Gardenia tree, along with a bougainvillea is off to the right, between the house and the little road to the bodega. All the rest have been planted in the white garden. Not a lot are in bloom right now but in time it will be a beautiful area.  The other thing the crew did was build me kind of an arbor for my maraquija and planted the seeds. When I mentioned to Jose the area I was thinking of putting it, he  said he had special wire and went and got it. They wrapped the trees in the area and then strung it  between the trees. They planted the seeds and put two bamboo poles for it to climb up. It is to the left of the house so it will be easy to keep an eye on it. They trimmed a few branches on one of the trees  so there will be plenty of sun. In some areas I have ant problems so they found the home and gave it a treatment. These are leaf cutter ants so we followed the trail of ants carrying pretty good size pieces of leaves.

Now the bad news. I have mentioned we have been getting lots of rain. And, my vegetable garden is on a slope. Well, what was growing was getting quite tall. Unfortunately it wasn’t what they planted and today they pulled it all up and did some replanting. There is now a ditch for the water instead of going right through the vegetable patch. There are also mounds and valleys. The biggest problem today was Dally. She was digging in there as fast as they got things planted. We will see if we have  any better luck this time. If not, I will give up. I have tried flowers and now vegetables. We did trim  the herbs and stuck all the cut off pieces in the ground so I should have lots of herbs. I also cut a few branches from the bottom of my eucalyptus and stuck them in a pot. I really hope they grow so I can have more trees. The 3 poinsettia are doing really good but not so much my ayote. It died. My lemon tree looks good and my peanut butter tree is growing. So is my mango and pineapple. I may have to   concentrate on fruit instead of vegetables.    

Wednesday I go back to the clinic in Paraiso for all my lab work and next Wednesday I go to the hospital in Cartago to see about my eye appointment. One of these Monday’s I need to go to the  hospital to deliver hats. It is the only day I haven’t been there.

The Gardenia and bougainvillea. I need to gather more rocks.

The Replanted vegetable garden, now with a fence. 

The wires for the maraquija 

Tesla’s first spaghetti.