I let Jose know that Adrien said ICE was finished with the front area. This morning he showed up with 2 helpers, Victor and I don’t know, and they went to work. My flower beds have been weeded, there are rocks surrounding all of them and the new garden in the front has been started. Adrien was here and talked with Jose so I won’t get in trouble for anything I have planned. Bougainvillea all along the fence, the peanut butter tree on the end, the branches in place, the bromeliads from the cut down tree tucked amount the rocks, Hortensia and poinsettias planted. Ground cover and lots of coleus. I love the look of the area. It is very welcoming and inviting. The dog next door came and christened and claimed the area. Some of the plants came out of my concrete planters so now I have room for new things. I am not so sure any of the sticks I put in dirt will grow as there is no evidence of any roots. I did have them plant the mango tree near the new garden. I do still have to plant the ayote seeds near the branches.
One thing I am having trouble with, for the first time is tiny worms falling from the trees. I don’t like them so much but they sure seem to like me. I must say I will be very happy when whatever ICE is doing is done. I keep being without water - today again. I used my saved water for lemonade for the workers and ended up getting a container full at the creek to wash hands. It better not be just me and they have to dig up my new garden to fix the problem.
I love the look
Peanut butter tree is finally in the ground.
Colors will be beautiful.
My creek spot.
Easy path right down to the water.
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