Sunday, February 4, 2018

We have a name.

I have received lots of suggestions and the winner is one I thought of myself. Meet Dally. Short for Dalmatian, female enough, and I can add other words like dilly dally. I like it.

Things are going well. She eats, drinks, poops and pees although so far not where I want her to. She  slept last night, in her basket, from 10:00pm until 6:30 this morning. She has started moving about more and play a bit and she can climb in and out of her basket. We will see how she does alone as tomorrow I have to go to town or soon I will be eating her cat food. I will put her in the bedroom so   she can’t go all over.

Remember the terrible fruit Heather and I tried from the tree by the deck? Well there were only a few on the tree. Adrien said it was Colombian Guava.  Now the tree is loaded so I picked the ripe ones and made 12 pints of jelly. I added lemon and grapefruit juice to help the sour taste and the same amount of sugar I add to regular guayaba jelly. I will be able to make another batch and I want to add strawberries.

And no, I won’t be posting daily pictures and stories about Dally.

Miss Dally 

12 pints  Colombian guava

She loves to burrow 

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