Saturday, October 28, 2017

It's Saturday and I am good.

I think the heavy rain is supposed to let up. Unless of course another tropical storm heads this way. We are supposed to be getting towards the end of the rainy season. We will still have rain, but not as much or as often. Maybe my laundry will dry in a day.

All my flowers that Jose and his crew planted are doing really good and he also came out one day while I was in Orosi with the crochet ladies and cut a big branch off the cas tree. It was a very big branch and covered with fungus. He said it made it very heavy and there was also a bee hive in it so it would have made a very funny video. He had to use his vehicle to drag it away.

One morning this week, when Jose was here, we noticed someone by the creek. We went to check and it turned out he was cutting everything down. Now there was good and bad to this but my first reaction was not good. It turned out Adrien was here also and it was his brother in law who was cutting everything down so I could enjoy the rocks and the creek. Problem is now you can see right to the neighbors. I don't do anything naughty but I loved how private it was and the look of branches hanging over the creek. I went walking along the creek and they have opened up some beautiful spots. I also discovered how much work they had done cutting down a very long area along the creek, on both sides.  I felt bad and had Jose apologize for me. I have now paid my rent for the next 3 months and there is even talk of a cottage being built back behind me to be used as a guest house or another rental. At this point it is just talk and they did ask if I would mind. I said this is such a large area I was sure it would not be a problem. During December I will be having my coffee lessons from picking all the way to a cup at the table.

I have told you a fruit and vegetable truck stops on Saturday evening. Last week a man came by with pots and pans. I said no, I had lots from the US. And I do, nice stainless. Today, when I went to unlock the gate, he was here again. This time he had a big pots and pans box strapped over his shoulder. He showed me a big pot and I said I have 3. He showed me a big frying pan and I said no, I have one. A little frypan and no, I have one. Then out came the medium frypan. Now most of what I have seen here is very lightweight but this isn't. And I like that the covers aren't glass. I have broken more than 1. So I said how much. 18,000. So I hesitated and waited and he said 15,000. I said yes and came to get money. I only had 20,000 and he said he didn't have change so I now also have a tea kettle. Now I am not dumb, I know the game, but it was fun.

November will be very busy. The 17th the seniors are coming for the day and then thanksgiving dinners the 23 and 26. Lots of shopping to do and cooking and baking. I also have some people from the US that I haven't met here for the 23rd. One of the Bursch Travel employees in the St. Cloud office contacted me to say some of her family are coming and I invited them for thanksgiving. They fly in on the 21st and will be here the 23rd. Then Heather and Kent fly in on the 23rd and will be here the 24th. Jose and his crew will be coming before the 17th to get everything looking good and also safe for the seniors.

I still have to walk to the animal shelter to donate everything I had gotten for Pups. Their hours are 8:00-11:00 every morning but I don't get going very early.

I have lots of guayaba. I have used almost all my jars for jelly and today I have 3 bags of them outside my gate for anyone to take. We were talking about the jelly at crochet ladies and Jeanette said she doesn't make good jelly but mine is very good. I couldn't believe it. She makes all kind of food to sell but not good jelly. We said it was time for another cooking lesson at my house but this time I am teaching a Tica how to make something a Tica taught me. I had never made jelly till I moved here. Not having to buy the fruit makes it so much better.

Otto was here on Wednesday and will be back soon to check out the new spots on the creek. I found one near my house that actually seems like a pool with big rocks around it.

As you know, the whole time I was at La Quinta I was starting pineapple. I had my pineapple plantation. I brought 3 with me and planted them. They got mowed down. Jose brought me one and Victor planted it and yesterday I discovered it was gone. We think maybe it got pulled out when the big tree branch was removed. I guess I am not supposed to have a pineapple crop. The peanut butter and mango trees are doing just fine. I have garlic growing also.
Now I can see thru the tree with the bad branch cut off. Still one area with lots of fungus.

My new frypan and tea kettle.

Some of the things I bought Thursday from Edith. She does such lovely work.

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