Monday, September 26, 2016

I know I should not take the credit

But, I bought the seeds and it was my idea so doesn't that count? Ok so Oscar did all the clearing and planting and weeding. And Gerardo has been keeping a close eye on it and recently fed everything I have planted some little pellets that he says will make it grow really big. I am just happy something seems to be growing.
See, I have tops! 

And, on more than one.

See, a sunflower coming.

My cucumbers. Gerardo doesn't agree with where I planted them so who knows where they will be when I get back. He wants them by a wall so they can grow up. Because of all the rain they don't leave things growing on the ground.
The guayaba crop has been very plentiful. They are picking almost every day. What a time to be without jars! I think there are 5 trees and they all seem to have lots of fruit.
Last night I made a big pan of bread pudding with dates and figs and nuts and got up early this morning and baked it and took it to Tia's for coffee. I also showed Dora the hats and invited her to join us October 18 at 2:00pm when the other ladies come. She had told me she crochets so I thought she might find it interesting. By then we will have lots more yarn and crochet hooks. Ziomara is coming on the 15th to pick what she wants. Otto was here so I feel good for the start of my trip. It will be a long day tomorrow.
Jose will be here tomorrow morning at 5:00am to get me. We have already reconfirmed. I won't get to Madison until 1:00am because of my layover in Houston and the bus schedule from Midway. Heather has said I absolutely can't start opening packages when I get there or she will hide them all. She is so tough! I am sure I will be more than ready to go to sleep.
The flour and quilt and hammock are all packed. Just the jelly and a few things of mine. I don't bring much because I left clothes at Heather's and when I come back I need every pound for stuff I am bringing. I just hope customs doesn't think I have 14 bags of cocaine.
On our way back here on the 11th we will swing by the attorney's office to drop off all my paperwork for residency. The only item I am not yet sure how to handle is getting them a copy of the new visa I will get when I arrive on the 11th. They took a copy of all the pages of my passport but this will be new and prove I am here legally when they file the application. It really isn't bad. I only had to come up which 3 things. A new birth certificate, a letter from Social Security saying my monthly amount and that it was for life and a statement from the Hutchinson police saying I was in good standing. I have to get it all notarized which I will do either in Brainerd or Little Falls and then have it all Apostilled at the Secretary of State in St. Paul. It has to be done in the state where you lived. I have allowed 2 days for this so hopefully it will all drop into place and work. Lots of driving. I have talked to both places and reconfirmed those dates work. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

They loved my funnel cake!

Today was crochet ladies day and I do love these ladies. They are so good at their craft and so intelligent, especially Ligia Sanches. She brought some of the cutest hats and a headband from the leftover yarn. I showed them a pattern for a brimmed hat and I entered it into the translate program and the other Ligia read it out loud and Ligia S drew pictures and wrote directions and gave ideas on how she would add flowers to the brim. We weren't doing much crocheting as we are pretty much out of yarn so I went digging to see if I had anymore at all. I did find my stash. It isn't cotton so it can't be used for the hats and it is a ruffle lace with sparkles in a coral color and intended only for scarves. The directions were in English and French and only for knitting. I went on the website and was able to find one for crochet and the website could be changed to Spanish. Again one Ligia read it and the other one wrote. By the time she left she had started and so had the other Ligia and I sent the yarn and hooks with them. I gave Ligia S her headband and she gave it to Janet for a grandchild. They can't wait for me to get back in October with lots and lots of yarn. And, they want lots of pictures while I am gone. They asked where I was going and I said California and showed them what I was taking with me and told them the story of how it came about.  
I have an idea that I will present to them when I get back. We will continue to have a supply of the free hats for ladies with cancer but we will also make some to sell. Ziomara has asked me to do that. I figure if we split what we make it will be good for all of us. I can keep track of who makes what and we would keep the yarn shop supplied with them. Apparently they have been asked for them.
I had decided to make funnel cake for coffee and I also had some really good bread I got at the bakery last night. They thought they were churro but when they tasted them they said no, but they really liked them. This time I used the electric frypan but for me the cast iron frypan works better. I gave them the recipe and I know there will be funnel cakes served in the neighborhood. 
A week from today I will be back at Heather's so I may not be writing much during the next few weeks. It will be a very busy few weeks to get everything done I need to do. Sewing at Heather's, packing at least 6 suitcases, going to Brainerd and St. Paul and the 4 day trip to California. And of course doing some shopping for the things I don't have waiting at Heather's.
I got the peanut butter tree planted today. It is in a big pot for now until we decide where to plant it once it is bigger. When I showed Gerardo in my translate program what it is he seemed familiar and I told him I brought it from Puerto Viejo. 
Ana brought me soup for lunch, which was very good. They were all out getting guayaba for a lady with cancer. I have lots of little melon plants and lots of cucumbers. I hope they keep growing and do well.

The bottom two look a little strange but they are two with yarn hair added. They are cute on. The top one is for a child.

Friday, September 16, 2016

It's Friday already.

Let's see Wednesday afternoon I headed for Paraiso and stopped at Aura's house to drop off the Sugar Cookie Bars with Guayaba Jelly and the Cinnamon Bread. There was only one other tray of bread so I figured it was a good day for me to be bringing mine. I went to Chrch for the Mass and noticed quite a bit of activity in the square. The microphones in church were turned up so loud that it was hard on the ears. By the time we came out there were tons of people in the square and music playing. Tomorrow is Independence Day so the festivities have already started.
We all went to Aura's house for the rosary. I don't yet understand the rosary here. Now I was raised in Catholic schools in a catholic family so the rosary was a common thing. Here they stand for the first decade. I follow the response of the Hail Mary in English and the words fit the length they are saying and their's ends in Amen also so I know they are  saying the Hail Mary. But, the second decade and the fourth decade they reply with something else because their's is longer and ends in Jesus. I need to do some investigating or get something in Spanish and English. 
Prayers done and time for food. You would not have believed all the food they had. Round after round was passed out to us including little tortillas with a potato filling, breads, rice pudding, candy and before we left we were given a bag of breads. 
Anita was there and was given the bag of hats. With the help of a translator she said she would take me along when she delivers some. I would love that.
You would not believe how great the corn looks. Oscar worked so hard. He even braced some of them up with sticks. The sunflowers are big also. He alternated them but in one spot he must have forgotten what was supposed to be planted and planted both. I will start with that picture because I don't want to post a person on Facebook without their permission.
Yesterday I could hear the parade going for a long time in the morning. No fancy floats. Just a lot of marchers and dancers and musicians. I was surprised the pizza shop was open so I walked over to get a little pizza. I took the Quiddler game with me so it took 2 hours for me to get home. It was a very good game and although it started out with Emilio 0 and me 33, he was only 4 behind me at the end. He is really good about long words. At one point he was helping a customer and his father picked up his cards and I said no espaƱol. He says a few words of English but it is mostly Spanish. 
The pizza was great.
Otto was here this morning and I was able to give him a bunch of guayaba and a container of jelly. They are falling from the trees and no one is picking them up and I don't have enough jars to make more jelly. He worked a little deeper today and I feel so much better. I will have another massage the day before I leave for the US. 
Ziomara sent me pictures of her co-worker's wife wearing the hat she gave her and said she knows more ladies who need them. Anita posted pictures of a few people she gave hats to. I have forwarded all the pictures to my group of ladies and they are feeling very good about what they are doing. I have pretty much bought out all the yarn in the US to bring down. I ordered 48 skeins that will arrive soon at Heather's. I was asked to make some microwave bowl potholders for a friend of Heather's so I placed an order for fabric this morning. I will make them while I am there. The service at the JoAnn's Fabrics in Madison is so terrible we hate to go there. It is the only fabric store around and they have about half as many clerks as they need. Heather did stop but the check out line went all the way back to the cutting table. It takes half a day to get anything. 
And, it's so exciting. Heather sent me pictures of big bags - over 5 cups of coconut for $1.28 per bag. They are only in this one store certain times of the year. She bought 10 bags and said she will buy more later. It will be easier this time to bring some because the other thing I am bringing - lots of yarn - is very light. Oh yes, and the printer I want to bring and 15 sets of crochet hooks and fabric and the other things we got for Ziomara's store and a half basement full of jelly jars and a sewing machine and all the stuffed animals. And the list goes on and on. 
I need to make a trip to the pharmacy to pick up one med and order insulin for next week so I have enough for while I am gone.  The rain seems to be stopping and the sun is out again. I think I will take cookies with me. 
I'm thinking I may go to the feria in Paraiso tomorrow morning for my empanada fix and to check out the plant area and the fruit and bread of course.


Ziomara's co-worker's wife.

It was very lively in La Quinta this morning. As I mentioned Ana is in Nicaragua so other members of the family are here with Tia. This morning there were a bunch of the young cousins and little kids. They filled the pool and seemed to be having great fun. Now it is back to being very quiet.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yes, yes, yes, the hips still work.

My morning started at 6:00am when I heard the lawnmower in the soccer field. I glanced out and at first I thought it was Gerardo. When I looked closer when he came to this end I realized it was Oscar. He always wears a hat but he didn't have one on. He was working very very hard since the grass was so long. When I came out he asked me about a couple areas. Remember he mowed down my flowers at one point so he is very cautious. 
When he finished I gave him a glass of water and a slice of cinnamon bread. Some of the ground cover, or weeds or whatever it is ends up being a foot to 3 feet long but it lays down and doesn't get cut off. I went out with my clippers and took care of what was on this end. I see there are still some things sticking up but they are farther down and don't bother me. He went off to mow other areas and I got ready to go to the senior center. I wore a long skirt so I could dance and sway.
Well, let me tell you this group knows how to have a fiesta. Tomorrow is Independence Day and they were dressed accordingly. There was music and they were dancing and eating the whole time I was there. The stamina amazes me. And yes, I did dance so they would see I could. Then I sat and crocheted.
I had mentioned the hat pattern with bangs and hair. Ligia brought the one she finished with the errors corrected and I think it will be a great additional option. I finished the one I was working on and started another one. And yes, I cancelled sewing. Next Wednesday. Then I leave for the states.
The Mass today for Aura's husband, Jose, is at 5:00pm. I will go and take the bars and bread. I also want to go to the dairy store and get butter. It seems to be as good as butter from the US so I can mark bringing that off my list. 
When I got back Oscar was still here. He has completely weeded the corn and is working on the area of sunflowers. It looks so great. I still don't know if I will get any corn. The problem is there aren't enough hours of sunlight here compared to the US this time of year. 
The torch is being carried throughout Costa Rica in memory of how word was originally spread to announce independence. It will be brought to Cartago as that was the original Capitol. Towns along the route will have runners to take a light from the torch and send it on to small towns. Tomorrow pretty much every town has a parade. This will be my first as last year I returned from the US late on the 15th so I missed everything except the light display in the square in Cartago. Jose drove by it so I could see.
The new bridge over the river going to the senior center is so nice. And the new sidewalk also. What an improvement. There was lots of construction going on all over that area. Several new houses being built. Must be a good sign.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I have a group!

I have been busy baking the last two days. I hadn't done any since I came back from Puerto Viejo. I made coconut chocolate chip pecan cookies, 2 loaves of cinnamon bread and this morning I made a sugar cookie bar that I am spreading guayaba jelly on instead of frosting. Katherine and the girls didn't come because she is busy working on a map of Costa Rice tourist areas. I went over there to take her the money for the flour and play with the girls for a bit. 
Three of the crochet ladies came this afternoon about 2:00pm. First I showed them the planter which they raved over. Tia had also been here earlier to see it with Ana and Gerardo and Dora and Marta were here this morning. They all thought it was great. Ana is going to Nicaragua tomorrow to visit her son and family there. She was quite nervous because it is her first flight. She was asking me about taking guayaba jelly in her carry on. She is only going for 4 days and isn't checking a bag. I had to tell her no. They must be making jelly like mad as they have been getting all the fruit. She told me who would be here with Tia while she is gone. Dora and her daughter, Brenda, and Marta. She said tomorrow is Dora's birthday so I must dig something out of my gift box and mark it on the calendar.
As I have mentioned, all my yarn is gone so the ladies worked on what they still have. I have mentioned that one of the ladies is really good and I showed her a picture of a hat with bangs and yarn hair 
around it. She was excited so I put the directions in my translate program and it must have been enough for her to understand because away she went. There were some problems and she is going to take parts out and redo it but at least she is experienced enough to know what she has to do. She gave me a couple hats she had finished. I can't wait to show them to the ladies in Paraiso. Maybe I can take these ladies to a meeting to meet the ladies in Paraiso and she can show them how she does it. They can't wait for more yarn and crochet hooks. 
Two of the ladies were having trouble with hot flashes and joked about menopause. I went and got a bag of shredded beef that I had double bagged and frozen. They laughed and laughed and tried it out several places to cool themselves down. It was so funny.
Janet invited me to come to the senior center tomorrow morning because they are going to have music and dancing. Guess I will have to participate this time.
They asked me if I was on What's App and I said yes and also showed them the group of the Paraiso Ladies. They said we should have a group and threw around names. I set it up and we are Mejores Amigas - Best Friends. I have a group! 
And, if there is a senior center activity tomorrow morning I should be able to cancel sewing tomorrow afternoon. I decided I am not bringing the 3rd sewing machine this trip. Instead I want to bring a small printer and a ream of paper. I really miss having a printer.
We have been getting tons of rain and I was concerned about my plants in the planter but they seem to be doing good. 
The ladies left at 5:00, each with a jar of guayaba jelly.

A few aren't finished yet but I wanted them in the picture.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I forgot to tell you.

I mentioned I went to a Mass and rosary for Aura's husband on Thursday. I found out this goes on for 9 days like a novena. Each day at 6:00pm there is Mass and then they go to Aura's house to say the rosary and have bread and beverages. The ladies bring the bread items so tomorrow I will make something and take it. Maybe a couple loaves of sweet bread and some chocolate cookies.
The top shelf of the refrigerator and the crisper drawer are full of jelly. All the dishes are done and the kitchen is cleaned.

I know, it's Sunday.

A day of rest. But, as any farmer knows, when the crop is ready, you take care of it. My crop was ready. So, let me tell you about guayaba jelly. If you aren't interested, best leave now because that is all I am going to talk about. It has taken up most of my day.
Let me go thru the steps. First you need guayaba trees. We have several here including right next to my porch. 
Next you need someone to pick them and leave them at your door. Or at least leave the picker around so I can try and find them and pick them myself. Thank heavens I have the former. I mentioned finding a bunch inside the door last night. I went out this morning and picked up all the ones I found and a few more cas. That means I had lots, lots, lots.
I clean them, cut off the ends and cut them in 4. I cut out any questionable areas inside and cut each piece in half. I don't know if I need to cut out the questionable areas but I am not taking any chances. I put them in two stock pots and covered them with water. I cook them for about 30 minutes till they are good and soft. 
I tried something different this time and I think it makes it easier. I used my immersion blender before I put the mixture in the blender. From the blender it goes in the strainer to remove the seeds.
I ended up with 31 cups of fruit pulp. You can only put about 8 cups of pulp and 7 cups of sugar in a stock pot at a time because it is boiling the whole time and tends to boil over if you put more.
Now, I can only do 2 pots at a time on my little stove and it takes 30 to 40 minutes for it to be done so it took a while. I ended up with 23 jars/containers of jelly. The last time I did a marathon jelly making session it was 4 different kinds. This time it is all guayaba.
Me and everything in my house is sticky. I had to go to the Super for more sugar as I used 27 cups. I had one pan stick but I solved the problem by straining it. I need to remember the one stock pot isn't quite as good as the others and watch it closer.
I still have some clean up to do. I have all the pots soaking. I also need to put all the labels on the jars. I stayed cool while I cooked in one of my new dresses and didn't even burn my hands. A good days work. 
The people here are really good about bringing the containers back and Heather claims she has half a basement full of jars for me to bring down. I told her she just needs to visit more often.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

I did no gardening today?

And, the soccer field didn't get mowed. There are little sticky things that stick to your clothes when you walk in it. I now have them about 6 inches up my pant legs. I think I need rain boots.
I cut out the strips for my quilt piece and started cutting out cashmere pieces. Have I told you about this project? Heather has bought lots of old cashmere sweaters at the Digs and washed and washed and washed them to felt them. They are thicker and less stretchy. Then we cut all the seams out and I brought a bunch with me. I now have to cut them into squares or strips to sew together for a throw. I have the flannel for the back. Don't tell her, it will be one of her Christmas gifts.
I headed for Cartago on the 10:45 bus. I kept stalling because it was raining quite hard. I went to the hair salon  and had my hair cut. It is 4000 colones. Next to the yarn shop and Johanna said she had some money for me from selling some things I had given her. The embroidery needles are very popular because the needles available most places here have small holes and the ones I bring have long holes and work better if you are using several strands of thread. I said I would bring more and put it on my list.
Lunch at the little place on the corner and by then Ziomara was there and picked the hat she wanted. I sat and visited and crocheted and then headed for the bakery. There are tons of bakeries and I have found a couple I really like. I hit them both then back to Orosi.
When I opened the front gate there was a wonderful surprise. A sheet of plastic with a whole bunch of guayaba. They are mine now and tomorrow will be jelly making unless someone comes and asks for them. I hope not. I picked up a few more from the ground and a couple cas to include. That is Emilio's mother's secret ingredient.
I got groceries including extra sugar for the jelly. This might mean I have a few jars to take back with me. I will have to watch the weight as Heather has me bringing 30 pounds of yuca flour.
While I was out running errands I ran into Jose and he told me how much he liked the pictures of the planter. I said you are going to laugh but I need another bag of dirt. He said he would get it to me. A few minute stop in the pizza shop and back home.
Last night I made a batch of funnel cake and took two to the pizza shop. They were so good. I fed Emilio and his mother and father. Then I cut up what was left and gave it to the family in the booth having pizza. I think it will be a great item for a cooking lesson because you just need a burner.
All in all a very good Saturday.

Friday, September 9, 2016

I don't think I will ever get my fingernails clean

I started out with gloves but I like to feel the dirt while I am planting. I think I am done for the day and will wait and see how it takes. I planted 3 of the bottom areas with cucumbers, peas and cantaloupe. I will see if any of it grows. I would love to add the crown of thorns but I am concerned it will get too big.

I have a wire basket with an orchid sitting on the left end. I need to do research to figure out what to do with it. You may remember the big leafed plant was there but Gerardo said it was a weed and removed it. I have to guard the pink and green leafed plant because he says that is a weed too but I really like it. See my pineapple? There are 4 and peas and 2 mint plants from Aura's husband, who just died. So far I have 2 kinds of mint, oregano, Rosemary, something for your stomach and insulina which is a natural insulin. Haven't tried it because I am not sure which one it is. I have a lot of green plants.

Here is from the other direction.
I still have an assortment of places to plant and as I use them up the crooks and crevices will pop out and give me more spots to stick little plants. I need low things to plant inside the red bricks but all in all it is coming along really well. I have tons of sticks from the Christmas trees if I need them to support things and I have plenty of extra zarong if I need to protect them a bit. Time will tell.
And, I promise, there will not be a daily report on this area.
Ana came into the courtyard with a big bag and emptied it out. She picked up one of the items and carried it over here and up to the planter. She brought me the 3 big red rocks. The one I added some dirt and hen and chicks. The purple daisies on top are for Heather. She loves them. I have aloe from Red and Linda and Christmas Cactus from Heather. Lots of succulents from Gerardo and Ana and one from one of the craft ladies, hen and chicks from Janice and Jack. I love that.
At the edge of my porch are tall green leaves. It now has an addition. First one since I got here.

They are so beautiful and last quite a while even when cut.
As long as I am talking growing, here is an update on the corn and sunflowers.

It will be easier to see once the soccer field is mowed and I weed. I am hoping the mowing will happen tomorrow.
I learned yesterday one of the craft ladies is going to be in the Paraiso Independence Day Parade. I need to find out when it is on Thursday so I can go. She invited me to join her, she said she had a skirt for me to wear, but I don't think that is going to happen.
I made some new friends today from posting on the Gardening blog. One is a student in Cartago studying English and Italian. He and his mother loved the planter so I said I would bring Emilio and we would have coffee. Wait till he finds out I make cookies!

Back to church

As you know, Emilio and I spent all morning creating the planter I have been wanting. Well, I carried things and made suggestions, Emilio did the building and creating and design. We took a break for lunch from the soda next to the Super. I really do like there chicken Casado. It is kinda stir fried and there were beans and a lovely salad and chayote and corn. I didn't think I was that hungry but I ate it all. No arroz so it is an amount I can eat.
Here is the latest version of the planter. Some of the cactus are planted. The rest is just setting there to make sure that is where I want them. I will add more dirt in the lower areas and thought I might plant some vine fruit or vegetables. Still lots of work to do but it is coming along. See the hen and chicks, Janice and Jack!

I want to edge the outside with rocks. I have plenty here of all sizes.
Aura posted a notice that there would be a mass at 6:00pm for her husband so I got cleaned up and took the 5:15 bus to Paraiso. There were a half dozen of the craft ladies there and after the Mass we went to Aura's house which is next to where we meet on Thursdays and said the rosary. They said. I would say the second half of the Hail Mary quietly in English.
After the rosary and prayers they served cake and sweet breads and beverages.
Emilio walked me to the bus stop but it was just leaving as we got close. He waved it down and they stopped and let me on. It was after 8:00 when I got home. 
Now I have a day for projects, or not, we'll see.
Tomorrow morning I will go to Cartago to get my hair cut and then meet Ziomara at 1:00pm. I am taking her all the hats I have to let her pick for her coworkers wife. I gave Emilio 5 to take to Anita for people she has mentioned. I have told them all that all I need are pictures for the ladies here in Orosi who made them.
In case you notice, the big leafed plant is gone. I was told it was a weed and Gerardo took care of it. Now I have to guard the pink and green leafed plant. They say those are weeds too but I love them.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

My creative designer worked so hard this morning.

We got so much done this morning. First carrying all the concrete blocks to the planter area. Then the bag of dirt. Jose brought two but I only thought it would take one and the 1/2 one I already had. It took several different combinations until we had a design we both liked.
Then we cut up, or sawed up plastic bottles to keep the dirt in the blocks that are not on solid ground. While Emilio started filling them and the area around them with dirt, I gathered more bricks and rocks. It turned out we did need the other bag of dirt - this creation took lots - so we dragged it from the front. Thank heavens Jose knew better than me.

He didn't want to get his shirt all dirty so it turned out my tee shirt that says I brake for fabric fit just fine. It was the only really big one I have here.

I can't wait to get started planting. There are areas of dirt outside the blocks for flowers and some areas that are 2 blocks deep. There is a lot of variety. And, so many places to plant! I like it better than anything I have seen and it fits my area really well. I don't know if the big leafed plant on the left is a plant or a weed but I am leaving it for now. There are also a bunch of pink and green leaves that I am leaving. We used up every block I could find including a half one and a partially broken one. I still have rocks to put out and maybe a few more bricks.
I love it and many thanks to Emilio. I am sure without his creative talent it would not have turned out near as good. I will post pictures when it is all planted.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Do you think I have enough for my planter?

I cleared the weeds and carried pails of rocks to cover the area. I also brought a bunch of red bricks to use as border or decoration. The area is about 6 feet long and up to 3 feet deep. I would like to say I have moved all the cement blocks here but I haven't. Only one so far. I also have 2 bags of dirt by the front door. Jose brought it yesterday. I pulled the main plants I want to use.


I also want to include some flowers for color.

This is the planter the cactus came from with the beautiful big flower so I want to use a couple shoots from this. Considering the number of plants, 20 blocks may not be enough. I do have a few more in front of my porch.
It's Wednesday and I should be reporting on my sewing ladies but I cancelled today. I haven't had any quiet, alone time in a while and this has been a busy week. Except for connecting with Ziomara either here or in Cartago so I can give her the hat, I don't have any event scheduled until Tuesday when my busy days start again. There won't be anything Thursday as it is a holiday, Independence Day. That will give me time to play with my planter and get something baked. That is if I don't get lost in the soccer field. You would not believe how long the grass is. Gerardo was showing a young man around today so I don't know if that was about mowing or spraying or what. They keep everything organic and don't use any chemicals.
Michael's just had a 4 hour, 40% off, online only sale so I ordered a bunch more yarn. I can just see the airline wondering why my suitcase only weights 10 pounds. I also put in the order for Heather to bring 30 pounds of yuca flour with me. No jelly or coffee this trip. 
I will have to include a quick trip to Brainerd for a new birth certificate and to St. Paul to the Secretary of State. Hopefully I can do it all in 2 days so I have the weekend to pack up a bunch of suitcases for me and Heather and Kent.
I think I have everything I need to make meatloaf for dinner. First I think I will carry more rocks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

It was an afternoon of sadness and joy.

The crochet ladies arrived a little after 2:00 and I explained I had to leave on the 3:15 bus. I hadn't wanted to cancel because I knew they were waiting to pick out scarves for the hats they made while I was on vacation. I was amazed when they started pulling out hats. All 4 ladies were back today. They mentioned neighbors going thru chemo so a few of the hats stayed here for them. They took every last bit of yarn I had to continue working. Ziomara messaged me that a coworkers wife has cancer and can she have a hat. Anita, who began the drive, says a friend of the 14 year old girl also has cancer and can she have a hat. I hate that there is such a need but I am happy we can help a lot of people in a little way.
These are all their hats. I love how they are all different.
When I arrived at the church I sat and Rosa found me and took me to sit with the other ladies. I ended up with Iliana and Ana because they both speak some English. As we were leaving we all took the time to give Aura a hug and then went off for coffee. That is when the laughing and talking started. We went to the same little cafe we went to for the baby shower. I mentioned to Ana that we needed to plan a fiesta because I turn 70 in March. That was all it took. The ladies are always ready for a party. Ileana has a ranch and that is where we will have it. First we thought Saturday but that is a problem for Rosa so it will be Thursday, the 9th. Now I have to think of a theme. There was talk of cowgirl or vintage or maybe hippy flower child. I have to think about this.
There is no craft lady gathering next Thursday because it is Independence Day here. I will send some hats for Anita with Rosa or Emilio.
Flory gave me a ride to the bus because she lives right by the bus stop. She asked if I wanted her to wait with me but I said no, I was fine. The wait wasn't long. I stopped in the pizza shop for a little chat then walked home. Tomorrow morning I will start working on the area where the planter will go and line up the material for the baskets. Emilio thinks the zarong will work so we will try that. I have lots. I told him what I wanted that wasn't the same as the picture. I wants several openings on the end so I can see it from my porch. He has a good idea and is looking up possibilities.

It is only 10:30am, but a busy, eventful morning.

Katherine and the girls didn't come because Katherine is working on a map of the area and wants to get it done. I wasn't totally unhappy because it gave me time to do all my tons of laundry. I still had sheets and towels from Ziomara's massage on Saturday, everything from mine last night and everything from my week at the beach. I usually do 3 loads but there were 5 this morning. I have things hanging all over the place. One area looks so tropical with my new things.
Aura, the head of the craft ladies, is in Las Vegas. Emilio called me last night to let me know her husband, who was here, died of a heart attack yesterday. He was around the craft ladies gatherings a lot and was very nice to me. We joked and teased a lot and when he was here and saw my plants he started giving me herbs to add to my collection. He spoke some English and we would joke because he would be saying bird and it was pronounced like beard.
In Costa Rica the funeral is usually the next day but we weren't sure since Aura isn't here. I found out this morning that she will get back at 1:00pm today and the funeral will be at 4:00pm. The crochet ladies will come at 2:00 so I will have them stay an hour and I will take the bus to Paraiso. The funeral is at the big church on the square so I won't have far to walk.
While I was doing laundry Dora came over with an empanada from Tia's. Now you know how much I like empanadas and especially when they are crispy. This was excellent, nice and crispy with a mild cheese in it. Just great.
And and and, my concrete blocks were delivered this morning. Ana came to get me. They aren't back by my house but we can manage them from where they are. Mario, the brother that stays at Tia's at night, and a helper brought them. I showed them the picture of what I am going to build with them. They thought it was great. I am so anxious to get started. The dirt will be here tomorrow. I will have lots to keep me busy. Ana told me this morning that one of my hanging plants was looking dead while I was gone so she took it down and put it where the rain would get to it. It perked back up. She also went down the line and pointed out things I could put in the concrete blocks. I think I will have to leave as many openings for plants as I can. I may have to get my mathematical wiz involved. I also want to have it set up so I can see many from the porch, not just when I go in the soccer field. I read about making wire baskets for inside the blocks to hold the dirt. I will ask Gerardo if he has some chicken wire around. If not I will go buy some.  I thought of using the extra from the zaron but I am not sure that will work. It is too soft.

And now the work starts.

I am tropical!
Last night Otto called me a gringatica. I think that means I fit in. It is a good thing.

Monday, September 5, 2016

What an interesting day.

Jose picked me up at 8:00am for my 11:00am appointment because he was concerned about traffic. It is Monday morning after all. The stars were aligned with us and we arrived at 10:00am. The attorney is associated with ARCR, Association of Residents of Costa Rica. The attorney arrived a little later and Jose explained we were there early so we could hopefully get everything done and get out of town before rush hour. First my picture was taken, then my passport copied, then we were taken into a conference room with the attorney and he asked to see my documentation. I had my letter from Social Security, my letter from the Hutchinson police department and my birth certificate. The first two things were acceptable. The last I will need to get a new one, which I knew. It has to have been issued within 6 months. With that and the other documents, I will go to the Secretaryof State in Minnesota and get it all apostilled (stamped or certified or something like that.) I will put it all in an envelope and drop it off at his office when I return on the 11th. Next was copies of everything for them as everything needs to be translated into Spanish and it will save time later to do that now. Next the contract, pay the fee, fill out the form for fingerprinting and have the application form explained to me as it is all in Spanish.
When I return and everything is filed, it will take up to a year to become a temporary resident. When the application is approved I must register for the national healthcare which he figured would cost about $60.00 a month.
Off we went, across town, to be fingerprinted. San Jose is not a city you want to have to go across town. Thank heavens I am old, or maybe that Jose has connections in the police department. I was sat in a special area and called quite quickly and taken to another waiting line. I was 4th in line and it went very quickly. Jose said he has waited 4-5 hours. 
Back to the attorney's office to drop off the receipt and then lunch nearby at a place called Tuna's. It was very good and very attentive service.
We got out of San Jose before rush hour. Our only stop was the nursery and I have some more flowers to plant. Jose will bring more dirt on Wednesday for the planter project.
Now I have time before Otto comes at 6:00pm.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

I am back in Orosi.

I learned something new today. When we got to San Jose Emilio explained the direct bus to Paraiso doesn't operate on Sunday so we took a taxi to the Lamaca station and got on a non-stop from San Jose to Cartago. It was full and although I got a seat, he didn't. He said it was ok after the 4 1/2 hour ride from Puerto Viejo. We got off by the church and walked the short way to the Orosi bus. One had just left so we were able to pick our seats on the next one. He was concerned about me and all my luggage but I convinced him I would be fine and he got off in Paraiso and I came here. I got off by the Super and came through. I remembered where I stuck my key, which was now in my suitcase so I stopped in the back of the Super to find it. I should go and get supplies but it is raining a lot so I may just wait. I want to organize my material to take with me tomorrow. Jose will be here at 8:00am to take me to the attorney. I have messaged Otto and we are set for 6:00pm tomorrow evening.
There is a ladder in front of my porch, next to the avocado tree so I think they have been doing some harvesting. I still see plenty left.
Now for my request. If any family or friends have leftover, or full skeins, of cotton yarn that they would be willing to send down here for the cancer hats, let me know and I will give you Heather's address to mail it to her and I will bring it. I ordered 16 skeins that is all solid colors and I will buy some variegated or self striping to go with it. The ladies love combining yarns so it doesn't matter if it is a partial skein. It does matter that it is all cotton. With cotton there is no itching or allergies. Thank you in advance for anything you can send. I had 3 white garbage bags of yarn and I am almost out. I still have a good supply of the scarf fabric but I will need to restock that also.
We have a plan. I have been wanting a planter that is made from concrete blocks. It doesn't have to be like the picture. That is just the basic idea. So, Wednesday I am going to the hardware store and buy the blocks and have them deliver them here. Thursday Emilio is coming to help me build it. I will also get another bag of dirt. I have a half bag but I don't think that is enough. I have lots of plants for it - cactus and succulents. I did bring the peanut butter tree shoot back with me. I have to explain it to Gerardo and see where we can plant it. There is also a pot with a little plant on my table on the porch. It wasn't here when I left so it must be a welcome home gift.

We couldn't get by without a selfie.

Katya's place had 2 of these that would come and visit. Tiny little things. Very friendly. There was also a big black dog and they were not the least bit afraid of it.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

I made it!

The road ends and you walk about 8 minutes over a suspension bridge, along a jungle path and up stairs cut into the hill to the Manzanillo Lookout. It was beautiful. I stopped at a couple of the beaches along the walk. Lots of rock and some sandy areas. 
Next stop was Uva Beach Bay which is lovely lighter sand and calmer water. Lots of people since it is Saturday. We did pass by the Jaguar Rescue Center which is an attraction of the area. They also have lots of other animals including sloth. No more sightings. We were so lucky.
It is not a long drive and there was lots of work being done on the road. We left here about 9:15am and I was back by 11:30am. It is a lovely day with a nice breeze and although my shoulders were bare, I wore sunscreen and didn't get any sunburn. I have discovered my new blue swimsuit top works great as a top. I can't wait to get my black one at Heather's. It will go great with my split skirt.
This is our last afternoon as we leave at 9:00am tomorrow morning. I have to get my peanut butter tree shoots and pack them and get everything else cleaned out and packed or thrown. If it is non perishable we can leave it for the next guest.
Plans are to go into town for dinner and take a taxi back if it is late. We have been cautioned about walking the highway after 9:00pm. 
I had to send a notice to Otto that I can't do my massage at 10:00am on Monday as I go to San Jose with Jose to see the attorney about residency. I need a massage as I am having some back problem so I will check with him when I get to Orosi tomorrow and we will work something out.  It will be a busy week with Katherine and the girls, crochet ladies, sewing ladies and craft ladies and the attorney. I will need another vacation.

At the Lookout.


Uva the other way

Friday, September 2, 2016

One more day!

Today I walked to town by myself and picked up the tickets back to San Jose for Sunday morning at 9:00am. I kept walking and shopping to see if I could find another dress. I love these dresses - yes, I now have two. I may never wear anything else. They are so comfortable in the heat. I also bought a wall decoration to brighten up my guest bedroom.
We were planning on doing some sightseeing this afternoon but it started raining really hard so we have a driver picking us up at 9:00am tomorrow. We are heading south from here.
We did look over the other house here and it is great. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms with a great kitchen including a 6 burner stove with an oven. The living/dining area is all outside on a big big big covered deck. It is very reasonable to rent. I like the location of this house better but the other house is nicer. They have all kinds of plants and trees growing and one she calls a peanut butter tree. She says the fruit on it tastes like peanut butter. She is going to give me a shoot.
We did play a few games of Quiddler today and I can't say I won them all. The last game he was ahead the whole game and I just managed to have a really high scoring hand the last hand and managed to win by a few points.

It has to rain to keep paradise green.

Now is this dress me or what!
Now I have a story. Today the craft ladies posted this picture on their what'sapp page.

This is a 14 year old girl going through chemo and wearing a hat made by one of the ladies in Paraiso.
I asked Emilio to put a message for me, in Spanish, that this touched my heart and blessings to all of them. Their response was to thank me for giving them the motivation.
I have trouble explaining how this made me feel. That with my leftover yarn and scarves and what I could teach them about making the hats I was able to help these ladies use their talents and get involved in a project to help others that would allow them to feel so good about what they were doing. As I was trying to explain it to Emilio, we were both sitting here with tears in our eyes. 
We went to Kaya's place for dinner because we have eaten most of what we have here. I had the best French fries I have had in a very long time. We had to be a little careful on the road as there were lots of big puddles.
It has been a great week and although I will be happy to be home again, I have enjoyed this area and the people I have met.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Wow, was it ever our day?

It was raining this morning so I made French Toast and we sat on the porch and played Quiddler. It stopped raining and I was looking around and two trees away from the house was a sloth on the tree about 5 feet from the ground. I could barely get it out. Look, look, look and Emilio kept saying what, where. When he finally saw it he went over and told the ladies staying here and we got some great pictures. A little later everyone was back around the same tree because there was a second one. The first one had gone back up the tree. By the time I got there the second one was a ways up the tree so my picture isn't as good. 3 in 2 days. We heard monkeys playing around in some of the other trees, throwing things down to the ground.
We played several games of Quiddler and Emilio even beat me. I am the queen of little words so I usually get most words but most of the time he got longest word. We are only doing English words, not Spanish, so he is doing really great.
We did go over to the beach this afternoon but neither of us wants to get burned so I stayed in the shade and he played in the water. The sand is black and hot as can be. On the way home we picked up an order of plantain patties and had them along with fruit drinks, scoop chips, the fajitas mix, refried beans and salsa and the pickles. It was great. We are planning at least one more game of Quiddler tonight.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a trip down the coast to Manzanillo so I can see a little more of the area.

Number 2, first one today.

Number 3, second one today.

His first win.

As wet as I got.

The waves were good size. I loved watching them break.

I love the trees here.