Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I am famous in Orosi!

Yesterday morning was the pools. Two of three were closed so it was just the one that is normally cold. They were piping in the hot water so it was warm, but quite busy. Next week the other ones will be open again. 
We decided to try the Orosi Lodge for lunch but it turned out they don't really serve lunch. They have great dessert options and a couple breakfast options they serve all day. We decided to come back another day for dessert. Instead we headed for a small soda across from the soccer field that advertised hamburgers. Emilio said his was really good and I had fish which was great.
Today I took off about 9:15am for Cartago and picked up a few things and had some lunch and headed back. I spent part of the afternoon getting the apt. ready for John and Debbie. Their bed is all made and before they get here we will move one of my green love seats into the sitting area and the tv into the bedroom. I switched a couple of the chairs in the patio area for something softer. Sunday I will bake bread and put coffee, milk, sugar, butter, jelly and dish soap in there and Monday I will put a crock pot of chicken, potatoes and green beans in there so it is ready when we get here from the airport. Jose will pick me up at 10:45. I am making a sign like I did for Heather and Courtney. Gerardo will need to bring the gas grill from the mountain house as John likes to cook on the grill and I have promised Emilio hamburgers.
So, late this afternoon I headed to the Super. Since the back door was open I took my cart back and started in the misc. area to get the poster board. One of the regulars was working and talking to a man. Seemed to be a vendor, not a customer. When I came up to the register he said to me in English "do you sell your cookies?" I said no, I just give them away. He said the clerk had been telling him how good they are. It was so fun and made me feel so good.
Tomorrow the neighborhood ladies will be back with the finished trees, or to finish what isn't done. They are bringing the snack. I have all the decorating kits done with plenty left over for a tree for Debbie. I gave Emilio the dowels to cut up for me so I can make somemore trees.
We are already thinking of the next craft. Something for Valentine's Day probably. I found a heart of fleece that you tie the layers together around the edges and stuff for a pillow. I want something they can use afterwards. 
Friday is the class at the senior center and the 11th is the Christmas party there. Should be fun.

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