Thursday, March 19, 2020

So it is a little difficult.....

To have a lot of exciting things to write about when you are self isolating at home. Or, under house arrest as I said last time. Except now many more people are doing the same thing.

I started on my birthday, 10 days ago. Since then I have only been out a very few times. And when I do go out I am very careful. Monday when I went to the clinic to pick up prescriptions I had people pointing and laughing at me. Long pants, long sleeve denim shirt, big scarf to put in front of my mouth if needed, big floppy hat and sunglasses. Ok so I did look a little odd  but when I went to the ATM it was all of that and rubber gloves.

It has taken Ticos quite a while to take this seriously and set aside their natural socializing. School is out, it is vacation. Let’s go visiting or have friends over or go to the beach. I think it is starting to sink in because yesterday there were still people out and about but they kept their distance. No cheek kissing, looked down when they met someone, not many out and about.

So far the cats and I are doing just fine. I was concerned about running out of cat litter so I went to the vet/pet store yesterday. I  bought some and they said if I need more let them know and they will get it to me. I set up a WhatsApp page with a bunch of my friends and I check in morning and night. That way they don’t need to wonder or worry or come check on me. I told them I would ask if I need anything. Emilio stopped at the butter store for me but someone had just bought the last 9 containers. I told him not to worry. I was fine till they restock on Tuesday..

So till I get out of the house I will entertain you with my garden. I have so much beauty I don’t need to leave. My ayote (pumpkin) is growing like mad and my herbs are too. I have seeds saved for canary melon and squash and will plant them soon. I also have 2 mango seeds sprouting.

Stay safe and well my friends and family. Yes it could happen to you but even worse you could give it to someone who can’t fight it off. Wash your hands, stay home if you can. If you can’t, act as if everything is contaminated and act accordingly. When I have gone out, I leave my shoes outside the door, I strip at the door, turn the clothes inside out and put them right in the washer. I take a shower including washing my hair. Because, I want to be around a while longer to tease and harass all of you.

They don’t seem worried about what is going on.

My squash with homemade applesauce on it. The applesauce is dark because I made it with brown sugar. Very good.

Jeannette planted my herb seeds a week ago Tuesday. They are doing good.

One of my ayote

The other one 


Roses and orchids

More orchids

In front of the house, bougainvillea 

Now I know this doesn’t look too beautiful but I am excited. Look close. All the new red leaves. Ziomara gave me this at Thanksgiving two years ago and I brought it with me.

Some of my geraniums.

Crown of thorns.

Another geranium 

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