Sunday, June 23, 2019

I now have...

the best road in all of Costa Rica. I already had the best sidewalk. From the church my road has been gravel. ICE put the sidewalk in so people didn’t have to walk on the road with the big equipment. Now they have upgraded the road too. Friday I took out Cocoa Krispie bars for all the workers. They were working in front of my house. All work came to a standstill and they all came over to me for their treat. Several even said thank you in English. This should help the dust in the house a bit also.


Practice  has started on the blanket we are making for my friend Roz. By we I mean all my Chicas Buenas ladies. It will be a really big deal. Each person crochets differently with different tensions but it all has to fit together. I will have the story, along with pictures to go with it. All the patterns have been printed in color but the directions are in English so I have to make sure I know what to do or that Ligia can figure it out.
This gives you an idea.

When I go to the US in September I will take with me the dresser scarf that Johanna did for Roz. This is the top and I just need to line it and it will be finished.

Roz gave her mother’s dresser to a couple of her granddaughters. There was always a dresser scarf on it so she had this one made for them to use. The stitching is called chicken scratch.  

Since we are well into the rainy season I have been seeing some spectacular flowers lately. I love it.
 Even the plants that aren’t blooming are growing like mad. I was concerned about my eucalyptus
tree but it is finally looking like a tree. It is about 10 feet tall.

See my baby. The center of one of my flower patches.

The Colombian guava tree. When I first arrived it only had
A couple fruit. Now it is loaded. It does make good jelly but we definitely don’t like to eat it.

These are one day wonders. So far I have had 2 of them and they only last a Day. 

Orchid cactus. I brought them with me from La Quinta Gerardo. The blooms are so spectacular.

I have never seen them but as I sit here writing, I hear cows mooing. Must not be very far away.

So, my eyes. I definitely need glasses for close up work like this but I am good without them for anything at a distance.

And last, but not least, Rain. Or Baby Kitty. She cries much less, can sleep even off my lap, loves her brothers and is getting more adventurous. She stays close to the house unless I am outside too and then she ventures a little farther.
Rain and Dally. 

Her first trip to the top of the shelving unit.

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