Jeannette’s daughter works at the Civil Service center and through her we were invited to spend 2 days selling our wares. Jeannette and Ligia came to my house and sorted through everything and we priced and labeled and recorded everything and packed it in 2 tubs. My thought was Jose would take us the morning of the 18th, we would leave everything there and he would bring us home the afternoon of the 19th. We would take the bus in between. Then there was some confusion over whether we could leave our stuff there. I really didn’t want to pay for Jose 4 ways. Jeannette advised me we could ride in the car with her daughter and it would cost 10,000 for all of us. But, we could only take 1 tub. I said ok and packed the jelly, cookies and crocheted items in the tub with wheels. Jose came Monday and we took it and the big macrame hanger to Jeannette’s. I did my errands and came home to go to bed early as I had the alarm set for 5:30am. Jose was picking me up at 6:10 to take me and my full red bag to Jeannette’s for a 6:20 departure. I went to bed about 9:30 and when I woke up I figured it was about 4:00am. Still dark outside. I looked at the alarm and it was 11:05pm. Going to be a long night at this rate.
So, I get a call from Jeannette before I go to bed. Calls are difficult for me. If you text I can put it in my translate program as well as my answer. No such thing with my phone calls. So, what I was understanding was the car was malo for tomorrow. Bad, broken. But, she had found another car. It would be cinco. Now I am understanding I needed to be there at 5:00am. I have enough trouble with the idea of getting up at 5:30 but being at Jeannette’s at 5:00 just didn’t do it. I explained, in Spanish, that she and Ligia should go but I would not go. We went over this a few times. Finally I understood it was still 6:20 at her house and it would be 5000 each instead of 10,000 for all of us. They are so patient with me.
One of the things I love about Jose is his punctuality. Not common here. At 6:05 he sent a message he was outside. The car arrived at Jeannette’s and we loaded everything up. The three of us were in the back seat with the wooden rack Ligia brought on our laps. We were quite a sight. Now I have mentioned the countrywide strike and you never know where and when protesters will be blocking the roads. So, to avoid any main roads, from Paraiso on we took back routes. Through the mountains. Not much traffic and paved but speed bumps and potholes almost as big as the car. We had no problems and few delays. Only busy intersections once we got to the city.
We arrived and found we were to set-up at the front of the cafeteria where everyone would see us. We had Ligia’s rack for hanging things and they had brought lots of hangers. We also had a large table with Jeannette’s lovely tablecloth for the jelly, cookies and small crocheted items. I had samples of the cookies and crackers for jelly sampling. Two of us sat behind the table and Ligia was at the end. The ladies did a great job of visiting with all the customers and explaining who we are. They showed them the history of Chicas Buenas I had written up. Well, kinda. I wrote it up in English and Katherine did it in Spanish along with a picture. We all crocheted on projects between customers.
Now the bad. It is a difficult time here with the strike and possibility of new taxes to basic food items that have never been taxed before. They liked what we had to offer but weren’t doing much buying. I sold 10 bags of cookies, 4 jars of jelly and Ligia sold 5 items. I sold the most in numbers, she sold the most in dollar amount. They decided not to come back on Wednesday but we were invited to come back in December.
Now we have to get home. They suggested we leave everything, take Uber to Cartago and take the bus from there. I decided we take Uber all the way and take everything with us. Uber came, a tiny hatchback type car. We managed to bring everything except the rack which Jeannette’s daughter brought when she came. First Ligia got dropped off, then Jeannette then me. The driver was great about bringing the heavy things into my house. All in all I think it was a successful first time learning experience. Next adventure will be the 30th at the feria at the church. My first opportunity to use my canopy tent and table. They tease me and say 5:00am. I say 7:00am.
Our little corner
1 comment:
G....sorry to get so behind in my reading but I sure enjoyed getting caught up.
Your new crown of Thorns is beautiful I still have my 2 u gave me b/4 u left Hutch.that small one has NEVER stopped blooming in 2 yrs. the big one just keeps getting bigger BUT no flowers. The cats are a great addition to your home.. so much fun and boys are so much more loving than girls.
What is a Mandala and what do you do with it?? Gorgeous colors!
Chicas Buenas ...can u email the article to us? (in english please)Sounds like a bunch of "Good Girls" Can't wait to hear about the next feria at the church.
R & L
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