Saturday, August 11, 2018

Now I can pig out.

Every Saturday a market truck visits my area. Today I was gardening and saw it parked next door. I went to say hello and said I would be back in 5 minutes with my colones and my bag. Here is what I got:
3 mango, 3 mandarina, 1 papaya, 5 mangosteen or rambutan ( weird fruit but very healthy), cabbage, bag of green beans, 4 onions and 6 cucumbers for more pickles, and 4 potatoes.
The total was 7000 colones or about $12.50 today. Very fresh and they also have eggs and bread besides all the fruit and vegetables. It filled my envirosac and I only had to carry it from next door. Wonderful deal. I have a package of bacon so the green beans and cabbage will be really good.

I cooked a bag of white beans today and have made chili. I love it on baked potatoes or with crackers or chips.

Tuesday we have an appointment with the priest to tell him about our products and see if we can get his permission to set up in front of the church. Things are happening!

My haul

My weird fruit.

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