Monday, June 18, 2018

I knew the day would come

But I didn’t know it would be quite so soon. And I didn’t know one would be even worse than the other. He had been watching her but didn’t make any attempt to follow.....until he did. Getting up didn’t seem to be a major problem. I have this nice pile of suitcases in the spare bedroom. Getting down is more complicated for him and he doesn’t seem to be as sure footed as her.  She always jumped from the top of my wardrobe to the bed. He does that once in a while but looks for other ways also. He is more interested in the netting along the outside walls than the dream catchers.

I did get my staple gun and something to stand on and reattached what they had torn loose. It would also explain the increase in bugs in here.

Life is not boring in La Cabaña.

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