Saturday, September 30, 2017

I have my own spot on the creek!

I asked Jose to come over and bring his machete. I found another spot where I could climb up the rocks but I didn't know if anything could be done for me to get down the other side. I did tell him it could be some day when he didn't have a lot to do. That was yesterday at 8:30am. He responded they would be here at 9:15am. Can't ask for better service then that! He checked things out and put his worker to work clearing out the concrete waterway so the water would flow. Adrien and Thomas came and talked with Jose and showed him where they could clear a path for me to a beautiful spot on the creek. They started chopping and installed a bridge over my little waterway and then came and got me. It was tricky as I am not very surefooted and I was walking over branches and bamboo and rocks and inches of plants and leaves. At least that part of the clearing I can do, and I am, little by little.

Because of all the rain the creek has lots of water and is rushing very fast. There are lovely rocks in the creek and all around the area. I call one my meditation rock. Otto is going to come when he can to go in the creek to check it out. There is a flat rock that looks like it will be great for sitting on. It may be out of the water when the creek isn't so high. I even have a tree to hold on to at the edge of the landing.

And I am excited! I have a light over my front door. There is a switch in the living room that didn't seem to operate anything and we started checking and between Jose and my neighbor bringing a ladder and me supplying a light bulb, I now have light. It will be great when I get home after dark.

I had a couple Paraiso ladies here Thursday and yesterday it was Mila and her husband and grandson, Ileana, Rosita and Emilio. I had everything spread out on my big table and next Thursday I will take what is left to Ileana's house where they are meeting for a baby shower and gathering.  Those who know my family know we do skits. Crazy, silly skits but we have fun. One of the skits was a wedding for Fanny (Jeanne). I made vests for the groomsmen using fabric of half naked cowboys. We also had them enlarged to lifesize and they were extra guests at the wedding. Anyway, i had a few pieces of the fabric left and had it folded up on the stand near the table with the idea I would use it as a joke when they were all together. One of the ladies picked it up and unfolded it and they got the biggest kick out of it. Mila's husband said he was the model. We got a good laugh out of it.

Katherine and the crochet ladies will be here Tuesday morning and Thursday is Paraiso. That and lots and lots of clearing my path.
My bridge over my little water.  

Look close and you see the arch of bamboo. You walk a short distance to the left. All along there you can see the water. This is taken from the house side of the bridge, so not far.

Along the way.

My meditation rock.  

I cleared the landing and to the right is a small tree to hold on to. 

By the landing. 

To the right. 

To the left. 

The spot I picked. Jose, Adrien and Thomas.

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