Thursday, June 1, 2017

Finished, and with 15 minutes to spare.

I finished the baby blanket last night and now I am back to working on my bag. I am almost finished with the main part of the bag and then I have 100 inches of strap to crochet. I wanted something where the straps also go around the bottom to help support it. Once that is done, I can sew the lining in it. I don't have much planned the next few days so I will have time. The ladies are stopping by on Monday to give me anything that is finished in case I want to take it with me and pick up yarn for projects and Tuesday morning Otto is coming. I need to move some plants around to under the sarong so they get rain. I showed Ana the tomatoes yesterday so she will watch them and take them when they are ripe. I have things to plant and I will hopefully get that done Sunday. I have a couple berries on my plant in the pineapple plantation and people say strawberry but I haven't seen strawberries with thorns on the stems. Emilio says wild raspberry. They too will probably ripen when I am gone. The garden is in pretty good shape and should be fine while I am gone as long as it rains often - which it definitely has been doing.

Nothing new and exciting. Katherine is working on the new cards for Chicas Buenas - good girls. My suitcase will be full of items to sell, coffee and jelly.  Coming back I could probably use 12 suitcases instead of 2 with all the stuff I have ordered and have at Heather's house. I keep saying I will have a plastic tub and when it is full I will quit ordering. I have now changed that to the whole garage.

Tuesday when Ligia Sanchez and Jeanette were here we were talking about projects and what I am bringing back. I told them in July I am learning to do the stitching on checked gingham and they said they do that too and Ligia will teach me. Jeanette was showing me a picture from her phone of a tablecloth and stitching and trying to get me to figure out what it is and asking me to bring some. I went in the back to one of my tubs and got out a big piece of counted cross stitch canvas. They were so excited. I said they could each have half. Then I dug out a bag of embroidery thread my friend, Judi, had given me years ago and gave them that. They are meeting Tuesday at Jeanett's house to work on it. Another find from the Digs put to good use.
I think it turned out cute.

My bag

Isn't this cute! Ligia Sanchez made it. The decorations are pull tabs. We had fun teasing her that she drinks a lot.

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