Saturday, April 22, 2017

I am at it again.

Yesterday morning I met all the seniors at church - the new church which now has some pews and birds flying thru and I think they have nests in the rafters. It was a special mass for blessing of the throats or seniors or something. I don't know what but I got it too. After mass I went to Dona Alicia and she explained both she and her granddaughter were confused over whether it was Tuesday or Wednesday. I gave her the wrapped jar of jelly and I told her and everyone else I knew it is this Tuesday at 3:00pm. We will try again.

I also took Ligia 2 balls of macrame cord for 3 more small hangers and a large one when we get bamboo. I have spoken with Gerardo to explain what I need. I also took her yarn for a purse as my friend in North Dakota has ordered 4. We have 3 made and just need to make 1 more to send back with Kaye so she has them for Mother's Day.

On the way home I went by the hardware store and got a gallon of paint and thinner and a couple brushes and this morning I started painting the kitchen. It will take at least 2 coats to cover the blue but I think it will be great. It is a light apricot.

Last night Jeanette contacted
It is really more apricot color.
This gives you an idea how big the leaves on my mystery plant are. Jeanette says no flowers, no fruit, just grows really big.

me. Her granddaughter's class needed to do a project to decorate bottles and did I have any ribbons or beads or feathers that I would be willing to give her. We finally worked out a time for them to come and we went thru all my craft bags and she went away with a big bag of things for the class to use. She let me know they would give me a flower and that works just great with me. That must be how I create my nest  - with craft items. I can't believe how much I have accumulated in the 2 years I have been here.

Back to painting.

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