Sunday, March 26, 2017

Another batch of....

As my friend says, it is either jelly or sauce or syrup. I know it has mango and strawberries that it took me hours to cut up and lots of citrus that I cut in quarters and cooked in with the fruit. I took that out at the end. Indications are it will be sauce with lots of little chunks of fruit. This isn't a big toast area so the sauce works great on waffles and pancakes. Or I will try it on French toast or ice cream. My first batch of this got nice and thick. Not sure why the last two haven't. I am using the same recipe. No problem though. It tastes good and will all get used. I put some of the papaya pineapple in the middle of a coconut pound cake. Really good.

The egg muffins were a big hit at the senior center on Friday and Saturday morning I went to the FĂ©ria in Paraiso. Thank heaven Emilio met me there and helped me carry everything. I now have a rose to plant and eucalyptus and 2 little succulents. I also got chivere bread, strawberries, chilies, dill ( which I rarely see), chives, green onions, and a bag of little potatoes. We decided to take Uber to Orosi as we had too much for the bus and while we waited I got a bunch of mangos and some oranges.

I put together a birthday gift for Rosita and made a batch of the egg muffins and took it over to the pizza shop. I put mayonnaise and sour cream and a slice of the bread with papaya jelly. I also included a jar of jelly with the gift. A while back she gave me a jar of something in a cloth bag with a hard insert so the item can stand up. We have sent items back and forth in it and that is what I put the jar of jelly in. The first time I gave her something in it they said oh no that is for you. I said I know but if I give it back I know I will get it back again with something new.

Pretty soon I will be saying I have no clothes to wear - and mean it. For about 3 weeks now the washer has been broken. I asked Gerardo about it and he said he is repairing it. He said a week, but that was 10 days ago. I may have to resort to asking Katherine to use hers when it isn't busy with hotel laundry.

Katherine told me the papaya/pineapple jelly is a big hit at her breakfast. She gives them a plate of fruit and waffle sticks and some jelly to start.  She said she watched and one man used his fork to scrape up every last speck when he ran out of waffle. I may need to make more of that too. Except my refrigerator is pretty much full of jars now.

Have you heard of April the Giraffe in upstate New York? Well, let me tell you she is addictive. About a month ago the park where she is, Animal Adventure Park, put up a webcam in her stall because she is due to have a baby anytime. But they don't know when. A giraffe is pregnant for 15 months but they can't be sure which time she got pregnant. They hide labor until the hooves poke out and then it takes about an hour. Now you can tell what I am watching when I am not cooking or making jelly. I am even falling behind with my crochet.
Not much room for anything else.

Look at all the flowers on my orchid.

My beautiful rose

April and one of her caretakers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeanne: I am truly happy for all you are able to do for and with your newly found friends. Sounds like this was definitely the right move for you. Enjoy and be happy!